Serial Communication and Commands
Command Set
This section provides information for controlling and communicating with the Model 1094B via
the RS-232C serial interface. All off the RS-232 commands are functionally grouped into similar
categories. For example, Section 10.3.11 lists all of the commands used to both set and retrieve the
date and time in one of the standard formats.
Each command name and syntax is highlighted in bold at the first line of each definition. De-
tailed information used to interpret the commands and responses follows each command heading.
Sometimes the command is very short, such as the command to return the Local Time: TL.
Other commands require a prefix before the letter command to specify them, such as to broadcast:
m,n,o,pBR. For example, the command to start the ASCII Standard broadcast string at a rate of
once per second, on Local time, from COM1 is 1,1,1,0BR.
When a command requests information from the 1094B, it returns the most current data available.
Numeric data is returned as an ASCII string of numeric characters, with leading sign and embedded
decimal point as needed. Strings are terminated with carriage return and line feed characters.
Enter any RS-232C command as written in these tables
pressing ENTER. Characters are
automatically entered when typed. If including any of these commands in a programming sequence,
do not include any carriage-return or line-feed characters.
The following symbols and syntax are used throughout and are repeated here for emphasis:
= Shorthand for carriage-return, line-feed
U = UTC Time
L = Local Time
soh = An ASCII character (start of header) = Hex 01
bel = An ASCII character = Hex 07
n = integer used for various numerical values (e.g. nnn in minutes)
yyyy = four digit year
ddd = Julian day-of-year
mm = month
hh = hour
mm = minute
ss = second
Underlines are used for clarity only and graphically represents the location of ASCII spaces.
Configuring Custom Broadcast Strings
The Model 1094B has two custom strings (A and B) available for you to configure.
Use the
@@A. . . or @@B. . . to define and install the new string. Three elements are available for building
up a custom string: characters, true/false conditions and ordinal conditions. Table 10.2 lists all of
the available characters for you to build up your special string. True/False condition statements
provide some logic in the output.
Ordinals enables you to view levels of measurement based
on the command statements; for example you might want to indicate a level of accuracy in the
string. Examples follow to illustrate how some of the standard strings look using the characters in
Table 10.2, true/false statements and ordinal statements.