10.3 Command Set
standard from COM2. Set n equal to your desired broadcast interval (in seconds) and o according
to the desired time zone (0 = UTC or 1 = Local).
- Geographic Position, Latitude-Longitude
Latitude and Longitude of present vessel position, time of position fix and status.
GLL = Geographic Position, Latitude / Longitude
llll.llll = Latitude of position
a = N or S
yyyyy.yyyy = Longitude of position
a = E or W
hhmmss.sss = UTC of position
A = status: A = valid data
Broadcast Mode - NMEA183ZDA
9,n,o,0BR, 9,n,o,1BR
9,n,o,0BR configures the 1094B to broadcast the National Marine Electronics Association Stan-
dard (NMEA - 0183) to broadcast from COM1. 9,n,o,1BR configures the 1094B to broadcast the
standard from COM2. Set n equal to your desired broadcast interval (in seconds) and o according
to the desired time zone (UTC or Local).
- Time & Date
UTC, day, month, year, and local time zone.
Format: $–ZDA,hhmmss.ss,dd,mm,yyyy,xx,xx
ZDA = Time and date
hhmmss.ss = Time in UTC
dd = Day, 01 to 31
mm = Month, 01 to 12
yyyy = Year
xx = Local zone description, 00 to +/- 13 hours
xx = Local zone minutes description (same sign as hours)
Broadcast Data – ABB SPA MSG
10,n,o,0BR, 10,n,o,1BR
10,n,o,0BR configures the 1094B to broadcast the ABB SPA format from COM1. 10,n,o,1BR
configures the 1094B to broadcast the same format from COM2. Set n equal to your desired
broadcast interval (in seconds) and o according to the desired time zone (0 = UTC or 1 = Local).
The ABB SPA Time String is a sequence of 32 ASCII characters starting with the characters
900WD and ending with the Carriage Return character. The letters printed in Italics are replaced