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• Create a drainage area at the end of the pipe by
excavating a small pit, roughly 16 inches in diameter and
at least 12 inches deep. Fill the pit with excess gravel.
• Prime and glue the section of PVC Flex pipe into the slip
fitting and run it to the top of the gravel pit. Cover the
gravel pit with a small section of underlayment and top
with soil.
• Install the overflow elbow into the corresponding bulkhead
on the inside of the skimmer. Use silicone sealant (#22010)
or (#29186) or Teflon tape (not included) on the threads
prior to installing the fitting. Hand-tighten the fitting in the
bulkhead as far as possible with the overflow arm in the
highest position.
You can expect to use several tons of stone and
gravel for your water feature. Below are some helpful
formulas for choosing the stone and gravel.
Stone Calculation for the Pond
Length x Width / 65 = Tons of boulders
Gravel Used in the Pond
Pond Gravel = 30% total tons of pond boulders
• Start from the bottom and set the largest character
boulders first against the vertical walls, then stack the
smaller boulders on top (Ex. 16).
• Be careful when placing any large boulders to avoid
damaging the liner.
Ex. 15
Ex. 18
Dual Union Check Valve 2.0
Ex. 17
Ex. 16
• The opening on the front of the skimmer can be hidden
by placing boulders on either side and bridging a stone or
piece of driftwood across, creating a cave effect.
Make sure the boulders do not block the water
flow into the skimmer.
• Cover all remaining flat surfaces inside the pond with a
couple inches of decorative gravel. This will help lock the
boulders in place, as well as cover the remaining liner,
protecting it from ultraviolet rays and giving bacteria a
place to colonize.
• Using a garden hose, wash the rock and gravel down in
order to remove the dust and dirt. Use the pump provided
with the kit attached to a scrap section of kink-free pipe.
The pump can temporarily be placed in the lowest point
of the pond and the dirty water discharged to a drainage
area in the yard.
• The Aquascape Check
Valve 2.0 (#48026)
(included with Aquascape
pond kits or sold
separately) comes with two
adaptors used on each end
of the check valve
(Ex. 17). One adaptor
threads directly into the
pump, the other threads
directly into the bulkhead on the back of the skimmer that
supplies water to the BioFalls Filter. Apply silicone sealant
(#22010) or (#29186) or Teflon tape (not included) to the
threads of the fitting (Ex. 18).