www.aquasafecanada.com | Maximus II Installation Instructions 05/13 | page 7
page 6 | Maximus II Installation Instructions 05/13 | www.aquasafecanada.com
7.0 Setting the Flow Restriction Ratios of your System.
Using the same blue tubing used to flush the pre-filters, insert one end of the blue tubing into the E–Z
Flush Flow Restrictor (Fig 12). After you have inserted the blue tubing into the E–Z Flush Flow Restric-
tor, insert the other end of the blue tubing into your kitchen sink. The water that will flow through
your E-Z Flush Flow Restrictor is referred to as “BRINE” water and will discharge into your drain washing
away the harmful particulates removed by the R.O Membrane.
Next, get a bowl or a bucket and place it under the short piece of blue tubing that is coming out of the
auto shut-off valve (ASV). The water that will flow out of the short piece of blue tubing that is com-
ing out of the auto shut-off valve (ASV) is the purified water produced by the R.O. Membrane and is
referred to as “PERMEATE” water.
Now, turn the dial on top of the E–Z Flush Flow Restrictor clockwise (Right), entirely closing the valve
of the E–Z Flush Flow Restrictor and then turn the Manual Shut-Off Valve (Fig.12) found on the feed
water supply line of your system to its “ON” Position. Within a moment PERMEATE water will begin to
flow out of the short blue piece of tubing coming out of the Auto Shut Off Valve (ASV), at the rate of a
very fast drip to a slow trickle. Air inside the R.O. Membrane will be forced out causing the fast drip or
slow trickle to sputter with the air escaping. Wait 2-3 minutes for the air to fully purge so that a steady
output is achieved from the R.O. Membrane.
Next, carefully open the dial on-top of the E-Z flush Flow restrictor counter clockwise (left) VERY SLOW-
LY until the amount of BRINE water flowing through the E-Z Flush Flow Restrictor is flowing THREE
TIMES FASTER than that of the PERMEATE water flow coming out of the RO Membrane. In this way
you achieve a 3:1 ratio where 3 parts is BRINE water and 1 part is PERMEATE water. (You can do this by
judging the flow visually or see the note below for how to do a timed measurement.)
When you are confident that you have properly set the flow ratios as explained above, locate the
“marker sleeve” which is found directly under the top dial of E–Z Flush Flow Restrictor. Screw this
marker sleeve down the threads of the shaft of the dial so that it is flush with the main body of the E–Z
Flush Flow Restrictor. This will serve as an exacting marker to the amount of flow restriction you have
set. Now turn the Manual Shut-Off Valve back to its (OFF) position and remove the blue tubing from
the E–Z Flush Flow Restrictor.
4 way auto
shut-off valve
Connect long blue tubing
to E-Z Flush Flow Restrictor
and put other end in sink.
‘BRINE’ water rejected
by R.O. membrane
NOTE: Back View - hanging
bracket not shown for clarity
Put a bowl or bucket under the short piece of blue
tubing coming out of the ASV to catch the ‘PERMEATE’
water (cleaned by the R.O. Membrane)
E-Z Flush Flow
Close the E-Z Flush Flow Restrictor and
turn the Manual Shut-Off Valve on
blue tubing
Shut-Off Valve
to water supply
Figure 12
Preparing to set
up the E-Z Flush
Flow Restrictor
You can now turn your home’s emergency cold water shut off valve back to its “ON” position. Please
note: By turning the cold water shut off valve back to its “ON” position you are allowing for the flow of
cold water to the system. The system’s three pre-filters will then fill with water which will come out of
the blue tube that is placed in your kitchen sink.
Allow the water to run through your system for 20 minutes to ensure proper flushing of the three pre-
filters. After the 20 minute pre-filter flush, turn the manual shut off valve, found on the feed water line
(see Fig 9), 90 degrees to the tubing as this will stop the flow of water to your system.
Next, following the diagram below, remove the blue tubing inserted into the “OUTPUT” (Right Side) of
the prefilters that you just used to flush the three prefilters.
To remove tubing from any point on
your system simply follow this dia-
gram (Fig. 10) You can easily remove
the tubing from any fitting on your
system by removing the blue “C” clip
which will expose the “collet”. Then
simply push in the collet so that it is
flush with the fitting and then pull
out the tubing.
Please note: In the future, be sure
to de-pressurize your system before removing tubing from any fitting on your system. To de-pressurize
your system you simply need to turn the manual shut off valve, found on the feed water line, to its 90
degree (OFF) position, then turn your tank top valve, found on top of the water holding tank (not yet
installed at this point), to the 90 degree (OFF) position and then press down on your faucet. De-pres-
surizing your system is extremely easy and takes just seconds.
6.0 R.O. Membrane feed water line hook-up (pre-filter to R.O. Membrane)
Take the short white tube connected to the “IN” side of the 4 way auto shut-off valve (ASV) on the top
of the unit and insert it into the elbow adaptor on the “OUTPUT” (right side) of the pre-filters. (Fig. 11)
Remember to insert the tubing firmly. Next, take the short white line connected to the “OUT” side of
the 4 way auto shut-off valve (ASV) on the top of the unit and insert it into the elbow adaptor on the
cap of the R.O. Membrane housing (Fig 11). These two white tubes complete the connection between
the pre-filters and the R.O. Membrane.
Figure 10
How to
disconnect tubing
using the ‘quick-
release’ collet
Figure 11
Connect the short
white water lines
attached to the
auto shut-off
4 way auto
shut-off valve
yellow tubing
(comes pre-connected
to flow restrictor)
Shut-Off Valve
in OFF position
blue tubing (comes pre-connected)
short white
tube to elbow
on OUTPUT side
of pre-filters
Connect short white
tube to elbow on
R.O. Membrane
housing cap
NOTE: Back View - hanging
bracket not shown for clarity