Applied Engineering Vulcan IIGS User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for Vulcan IIGS

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Page 2: ... LCAN 08 User s Manual ...

Page 3: ...II 1lOI 01 I ooIIw ibo I or _ w 01 So or to 10 I d 1or ___ e n on _ u p I _ E II V h II 10 m 10 Eng Il _0 1 afty _ d II Il 010 0 1 and fto or og 01 eo oo DOs 3 3 P_ PIOOOS _ 01 eo n he _e_ II og _ 01 E II YL oI an and RMlkHpor U_ 01 _ II Poocal 11_ ep _ adom 01 0 11 11 _ he Applied Engineering P O So 51oo C 01 Tela SO SaIl 21 2 m6 l 9 M PMICSTI7 1 1 1 Svppor 2 2 61 69 9 M 1230 135 5 PM CSTI Mond a...

Page 4: ... 53 27 Patched DOS 3 3 Notes 29 Switches What They Do Volume SiZC5 29 How To Set Them 53 Copying Files to the DOS 3 3 Panition 29 Remote Ught Jack 54 Other DOS 3 3 Goodies 33 D I nt e rlea er 20 and 40 Megs only 55 CP M About Interleave 55 Pascal Using Interleaver 56 E A Brief ProooS Tutorial 58 CHAPTER FIVE lSACKL IG UP nUl VULCAN 37 Opel1lting System 58 Introduction 37 Naming Volume 58 Backup 11...

Page 5: ...d GS OS 5 02 on Ihe firs partItion of the IIGS and retrofit Vulcans You must have al least 768K of system memory to NO GS OS The hard drive contains the complete sy5 crn while the 3 5 disk has a stripped down boot version You may wan 0 make 1I copy of the compJt lC 5 02 cr sion onto your own 3 5 disks as backup Use the Fjnder to copy the contents of the System Disk folder and the System Tools fold...

Page 6: ...partilion to boo nIC ProOOS 8 versIon providt d on the Vulcan and the floppy dISks has been patched to ano ProOOS 8 to usc four Pronos partitions from the Vulcan ioslead of only two the Prol OS rcgriction VlACCO Pork Heodl The P uk lleads program n IO CS the hoIrd drive s readfwrite heads 10 a ure posilion Oil lhe diSk This pft nl5 the heads from bouocing on a piece of the disk and destroying the ...

Page 7: ... programs arc not compatible and will not run properly If you re having trouble running a non copy protected program from GS OS set up a separate partition with the soI tW lre s operating system inslalled and boot from that partition 0 run the software Copy PrOlK l fOgroms Copy protected programs are an except on some programs arc written to run only from floppy disk and cannOlix run from I hard d...

Page 8: ... power supply While finnly holding onto the power supply rcmove Ihe four screws vI LlII out POW suppIv You may wam 10 store the power supply in Ihe Vulcan s b lIemove Vuleon from Pocking Check Voltage seltlng The switch scuing on back of he VulC n must be set 0 Ihe prorx r voltage 115 in Ihe United Stalcs 5 IN8fI VuleCW l Iol 01 1 c IMoS 1nMfI bock end Ilrsl Align he three holes in the back of lhe...

Page 9: ...ght of the card The switches should be set as shown below You ll probably need to remove the tape covering the switches first For a complcte description of the functiOns of the Switches refer to App C USe a small pointed oo ea like a wooden tocthpick or bcnt out p l perclip to change a switch setting The circle on each switch represents the end that should be pressed for a SlarKbrd JIGS SClllp Swi...

Page 10: will not be responsible for damage to any other products so be careful when reinstalling your cards 11 ClaM Compute Replace the lid by sliding the front of the lid in first lowering the back edge into place and then pushing gently and firmly on the back comers of the lid until II POp5 into place 12 Plug In E lemol Powel COld This is the same cord as your original power supply used Connect It to...

Page 11: ...ter and Set Sims You must set the slot containing the controller card to Your Card under Slots option of the Control Panel Refer to your IIGS owners manual for more information on Selling the slO1 Slot 7 Exception pSCydo SiottjOli If you want the card to appear to be in slot 7 even though it S installed into another slot as mentioned earlier you ll need to set your slots as follows I Leave the S10...

Page 12: ...he one wc supply on the Vulcan you ll need to copy the Vulcan driver for GS OS to the new system s Drivers file SCe the next section for directions Also copy both PH and Stan GS OS from the 3 5 or 5 25 disk s System folder to allow ProDOS 8 to recognize more than 2 panitioru Vucon Vulcan Speed Under GS OS We ve wrillen a special driver to speed up the Vulcan s access time under GS OS If you re boo...

Page 13: ...sturctlons on how to quickly set up a partition for DOS Pascal or Cl AM First The first thing YOll should know arollt the Partition Manager pM is that it is a jomwlling utility Modificatioru to the si7 c of a partition and Switching operating sy lem change the basic structure of the disk and will deStroy lIny data currently within the partitions you are resizing So before using the Partition Manag...

Page 14: ...ulcan 3 5 disk 2 Double dick the AEI or the Vulcan disk icon to open its window 3 Double dick the loon PAR MANAGER 10 run he application From Disk Boot the 5 25 ProooS Utilities disk and choose Partition Maf13ger from the menu From BOlle From BASIC set your curren prefix to the VULCAN disk and enter PART MANAGER at the BASIC prompt Other Launche V cccn Follow the instructions for the launcher you ...

Page 15: ...basically follow the roles of Pro OS ru These rulcs are Yuk on 1 Name can include leners numbers or periods but not spaces 2 Name must begin with a letter 3 Name can be up to 10 characters long Note ProOOS actually aliows names to be 15 characters long however the I M allows only 10 _h_ To name a partition while in MODIFY mode I Move the cursor to the NAME column of the partition you want 10 name ...

Page 16: ...ons above 2 set the partition to CLEAR This allows you to t J ke space away from one partition and distribute it to others Vulcan To set the SYSTEM to CLEAR while in MODIFY modo 3l o Move the cursor to the SYSTEM column of the partition you want to resize H Press return iiD Usc the arrow keys to toggle through the system options umil you re2ch CLEAR iv Press return Set the partition size To select...

Page 17: ...titions to StOre different classes flies They can turn off all the partitions except for the current class To fUm the partition ON or OFF while in the MODIFY Vulcan 1 Move the CUrM r to the ON column of the partition you want to turn ON or OFF 2 Press return to toggle between the ON setting and the OFF setting blank Note If you have the maximum number of partitions for the oper lting system turned...

Page 18: ...ready an asterisk in the boot column of the partition you want to boot from move the cursor to that column 2 Press return llle aSlerisk w11l be removed from Its current position and will apJX ar In that column you currently have selected leaving MODtFY Mode IMOf rI Before you leave MODIFY mode make sure your settings are the way you want them a Have you SCt the partition to the system you want o A...

Page 19: ...e will upcbte the number of lOOK drives to be formatted and tell you how much disk space is unused Qu li UN ai roil QtlC 10K driW If l QU mil lQ boo from Ibm DDS txil1ilio l 5 Sck CI anothcr p lnition 10 format or press esc to r 1um to the main menu The PRINT option lets you print the C Urrcnt PM screen if you ha c a printer online You may want to print after making modifications to the PM to remi...

Page 20: ...pter 3 for specific instructiOns and rulc os about using the Partition Manager DOS J J DOS 3 3 The following is an abbreviated step by step guide to setting up a OOS 3 3 partition The Instruction assume that your Vulcan is either inst311l o d in or pseudo sloucd to Slot 7 and thaI your S 2S VulC3n Utility d isk Is In Slot 6 Drive 1 If you have your system onfigure l differently modify the steps a ...

Page 21: ... files at this prompt DO YOU WANT PROMPTING Y N N 17 Press 9 10 quit when the copy routine is uxnplete toom DOSU_ To make the DOS H panJlion boouble run the Vulcan CDA and select the DOS 3 3 p Irtilion as the 1300 Panition Refer to Appendix U for Vulcan CDA instrt lC1ion Potcl lKl DOS 3 3 No The version of DOS you ve installed with the INIT HEUO command Is a patched version The patched version all...

Page 22: ...ering Product Registration Card Applie Enginttrlng congr Ul ol S you on yow pu r i one r i enh 1 produ Willi proper n taltaUon nd are YOU II enh n prodoo ill pro ide you I11 If r i trouble free operalion 5 III we y handle YOU prod ro ny S fV CC r ceds 0 upgndc oII ers plcase I ComplC c hi Ide r i YOU RcgiSU on Card 2 Attach you Invoice 0 bi lI of lc to uppe poruon 3 K thc lOp portion fo YOU ewrds ...

Page 23: ...plase ad lll nu oJ lint 10 fully undcntand OU pmduct opobWtIQ If OU feel OU OIIll need ICCbnoc aJ u JtI Of ope OU have dcfcalve JIfOduct pIooc COII2 lnln ftorn 110m you purctw cd the ord If OU fJ 1tnC1nM dlffl UltIQ Itil one pattlru u program CONut oM PfOIII2m aulho or publlshe n he evenl th he In e or tile JoIi re publisher s suppon pet lonncl onl lOl tIlI QU C UC IIOn con Applltd En 1 oC CI in3 ...

Page 24: ...ividual file copying s or any key Returns you 10 the AE FlD menu Quits and returns you 0 the BASIC prompt CATALOG Usts the directory of the deslinalion disk nlol AD Following is a description of each of AF flO s menu options 1 COPY FIlES 2 As in the irumuctioru above this command lets you r tnsfer files from source to destination Use equal sign for copy all You can also use it to copy all files wi...

Page 25: ... DEllTE uses the same operation method as LOCK and UNlOCK 7 RESET SLOT DRIVE Usc this command to reset the slot drive and volume selection of options 1 6 and 8 Afler selecting this option the OIher 0iXlons will again ask you to specify the slot drive and volume number 8 VERIFY FILF 5 This Xion makes sure that the files ate as Ihey should be Same operation mcthOO as UNLOCK 9 QUIT The QUIT Opllon ex...

Page 26: ... teS S to install Vulcan IS the 0 drivc 12 PteS 5 to set the last lid device 13 Press S to select Vulcan IS the last valid device 14 Press Return to s ave the configuration 15 reM Y 16 Press Return You should be atlhe A prompt 7 Type PIP A S _ this ooplcs lIlhe nics from lhe A drive to the B drive 18 Run the PC COM program as lln 9 Change the specified A drive to be the Vulcan 20 Change the specif...

Page 27: ... to conserve space This mI IllS that if it is in the middle of copying a me when il nms OUt of room on ooc disk it finishes that file on Ihe neXI d sk When you festOre the scgmcntli are rejoined NQle Jf you don t under tand what pathnarnes fifes folders Of dlr ctorics aIC p1C3S4 refer 10 A Drief ProDOS Tutorial In the appendices of Ihls manual Number 01 Disk R ulred Refer to the chan below 1 0 det...

Page 28: ... below I 8sckup riles 2 Re tore rlle J Q llt lockup Enll18 P OOOS I IlfIlion If rou use your computer heavily you should backup your ent1re hard disk weekly Ughl users may feel comfortable With IJUking backups bimonthly or even monthly_ To backup the entire contents ci the Vulcan follow these steps Note Remember that Irs much quicker to preformal the disks Instead of letting ru ckup II do it Refer...

Page 29: ...ext disk fBUZ date IUU3 date When u s done backing up the panilion the program will send rou the message Operation co plete Press RETURN to continu If you ve pnnted the file lUicing keep it wnh the SCI of backup dISks Rcpe 1 the proccs s for the O her ProOOS panitions you WlInt to blckup aockup ModfIed ru 1 You should always keep backups of any data tJut is Imponant to you If you use your computer...

Page 30: gelS corrupted 1051 stoien etc you can restore ttut file or group from a backup by doing the following Note If you re restoring a file or folder ttut already CXiSIS the existing file or foldcr will be replaced by the restored version J Run 63ckup II 2 losen the disk romaining the file you ll be restoring into the proper Iloppy drive Note If you don t tuve a list of what files are wtut disks you...

Page 31: ...p II will then begin the re5l0re procedure lbe progr m wi tell you whiCh me is currently being rcstort d When it s done it will give you the message IOPERATION COfoWLtTt O j lL OQ O I Q __________ Reslore Enlire Valume f you need to restOre your entire Ilolume follow the SlIme general procedure lI for rc5l0ring indillidual files The program will caution you that restoring an enlU C volume may dele...

Page 32: ...t boot cOt ck the sy5lem version of the softWllrc master disk s It may nOl be GS OS 5 0 compatible To remedy this you m3y need to SCt up a separ lte paTtillon with the softwuc s oper lting system Inst llIed and txxx from that plnitlon to run thc program ProDOS Can Find All Four Vulcan Porlilions Two Olive Oevll e per Slot ProDOS 8 has a lmit of tll O dm e devices per 10 except for Slot 5 For ProDO...

Page 33: ...tion is a Classic Desk AtteSSOry th it allows you to set the boot partition write protCCt individual partitions or park the Vulcan s heads Accelling the Delk Accel Of f Vulcan ClaSSiC Desk AccessoryAccess the Classic Desk ACcessories mcnu by holding down the OA and control keys whlJc pressing csc Pressing thc iC tlm c keys ill display a Desk Acce5S0rles menu much like the one shown below appcllr2n...

Page 34: ...t 3 partilion follow thc se Sleps 1 2 3 Usc the up Of down arrow keys to highlight the panition you want to write pfOlect Usc the k h or righl arrow k Y to put an aslerisk beside any plrtnion you want to protect Press return to return to the Vulcan main menu or esc 10 leave the Write PrtXcction menu as it 000 Note You must rc rnn take effect ore Ihe write prOK CIion Pork Heods Vulcan Classic Desk ...

Page 35: ...ough to the Apple lnterrupcs arc nQI used 1Illhis lime Swllch 2 PS Enable When pscudcrsloning in the Apple JIGS this switch must be closed Wkn pseudo slOlling in a lie or I Ihls switch mUSt be open switch 3 1 Bool Enable Leaving this SWItch open allows a 11 or an unenhanccd lIe 10 boo dHl CIly from the hard disk If the hard disk Is not 10 be the boo device in these systems this swlIch should be cl...

Page 36: ...e ll give a brief overview of wlul interleave Is If 3fter reading the description you dt eide you WlInt 10 Iry to optimize your setup carefully follow the diK Ctions for using InterJt aver Warnln s Cnangi e int eave you 2 drive Is not nCCCS5 lry genernlly the inter cave to which we SCI your drive WOOl well for ITIOSI application IntcrlCOlV r copies and rewrites your lurd drive s COlUents So unless...

Page 37: ...o the factory set interleave Q Interlca er will noc destroy the data slOroo on the Vulcan drive jf run oollTlll lly nut do no stop the program until It has Ilnished o o o o o Wanf g DO NOT RESET WlIll E THE PROGRAM IS RUNNINGI lnterleaver is copying and rewriting tracks If yoo StOp the program in mid SHearn your data will be COrnJ ted You can run the program from the Vulc ln or from floppy The pro...

Page 38: ...y of the Ilolume is ailed the 1001 dlft Ctory_ The mol directory uses the same name as your dISk Subd ft torics arc ProOOS way of organizing inform auon on a diSk Think of the tOOl dlft Ctory as a I ile drawer and the sulxhrcclOncs as folders wnhin the drawer You can 1 Put 1 ilC dircClly Imo the root directory like potting documents waight imo the file drawer 2 Put rues within subdirectories like ...

Page 39: ...m whom you purchased the product If you are experiencing diflkullics wilh one particubr proglllm contact the prognm s author or publisher n the event that Ihe dealer or the publisher s support pe nnd canoot answer your question call Applied Engineering Technical Support The support represcnlatives arc cxperienced in the applications and uses of Applied f ngim ering products but In order to provide...

Page 40: ...ewspaper If you re shipping a Vulcan 20 or 40 Meg VulCltn remember to p Irk the heads using the ark Heads progr lm The heads on the 00 Meg vukans park autOfTl2hcal1y Wand If your product is b m lgcd due to hudequate p lcking your WlIrDnty will be void Include the return fonn 2nd inVOIce Send the package shipping prepaid 10 KMA _l_ Applied Engineering Technical Suppon 3210 Bell Une Road Sulle 154 D...

Page 41: ...bng 5 OaSlioc Desk Acces ory q u st 62 rn1Qte I glll 55 rop g me ptogRfIlilI c51Ofe eflllre ohlin 1 OOS33 J5 f 1cs12 CP A I J 4 5 rt lU ng Vulcan 63 boot ng 5 J ches 5 t 1 M 27 J 1 trouble shOOltng Desk Ac f 13 l lX U I OS 3 3 27 19 30 CPDATE 23 buoting J Vulan ulIl ucs 33 ClaSSIC l e k bnll A 50 51 IlD 2 1 30 31 File I e elopn 19 Dr er IX II G OS 9 10 11 bo nll 9 1II C t e r 56 Iruc rl wer 56 57 ...

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