AT381x User's Guide
Response Frame
Unless it is a command broadcast by 00H station address, the other station address will return
a response frame by the AT381x.
Fiture 11-3
Normal response frame
Figure 11-4
Abnormal response frame
Table 11-2
Description for abnormal response frame
Station address
1 byte
Returned from station address as it is
Function code
1 byte
The function code of the command frame logical OR (OR) on BIT7
(0x80), for example: 0x03 OR 0x80 = 0x83
Error code
Exception code:
0x01 function code error (function code is not supported)
0x02 register error (register does not exist)
0x03 data error
0x04 execution error
2 bytes, low in front
Cyclic Redundancy Check
Calculate all data from the station address to the end of the data to
get the CRC16 check code
No Response
In the following cases, the instrument will not perform any processing and will not respond,
resulting in communication timeout.
1. Station address error
2. Transmission error
3. CRC-16 error
4. The number of digits is incorrect. For example, the function code 0x03 must have a total