Figure 72: "Instrument Settings" window.
The "Instrument Settings" window allows the user to set up the TLP and FD Module
parameters. The following settings can be specified:
The pulse repetition rate in Hz and the total duration of the pulse in millisecond can be
set. The total number of pulses is then calculated and displayed. User can define the
polarity of the pulse. It changes the voltage of the TLP from positive to negative
"Set and Test" allows user to apply the repetition rate and duration to a TLP while "Fire"
makes the TLP to produce the pulses for setting verification purpose.
"Maximum voltage", "Minimum voltages" and the voltage "Increment" of TLP for the
test can be defined by user. The number of steps is calculated based on the parameters
entered above.
"Load From Library" option allows user to load settings saved previously. "Add to
Library" saves the current setting to library for future use.
"Manual DUT initialization" option allows user to manually reboot DUT during scanning.
"Manual Fail Detection" option allows user to decide whether DUT failed or not during