Serial Communication
Configuring PuTTy
Download PuTTY from
and run the installer.
Open PuTTY; it will start on the Configuration screen.
Click on the Terminal category. The changes we make here
will cause PuTTY to act like a normal serial terminal, such that
pressing enter will move the cursor to the next line and both
what you type and what gets returned stay on the screen:
• Check the box that says “Implicit LF in every CR.”
• Select the “Force on” radio button in the “Local echo” section.
Click Connection, and then the Serial subcategory.
• Set the Speed (baud) to 19200.
• Set the Data bits to 8.
• Set the Stop bits to 1
• Ensure “None” is selected for both Parity and Flow control.
Click on the Session category.
• Select the “Serial” radio button under “Connection type”.
• Check that the COM port and baud rate (Speed) are correct.
Save your settings so they can be recalled again later.
In what follows,
indicates an ASCII carriage return
(decimal 13, hexadecimal D). Serial commands are not case-sen-
[unit ID]
indicates to type the unit ID, which defaults to
Polling Mode vs. Streaming Mode
In the
Streaming Mode
, the HyperTerminal® screen is updated approximately
60 times per second, depending on the amount of data on each line.
It is sometimes desirable to limit reponses to when they are requested,
which is called
Polling Mode
. This is necessary when using more than
one unit on a single RS-232 line. Each unit can be given its own unique
letter identifier or unit ID, from A through Z.
Unless otherwise specified, each unit is shipped in
polling mode
with a
default Unit ID of capital A
Polling Mode
Polling the flow meter returns a single line of data each time you request it.
To poll your flow meter, type
. This does an instantaneous poll of unit A
and returns the values once. You may type
as many times as you like.
Poll the device:
[unit ID]
(polls unit A)