background image

AO S H igh   Sp e ed   Ca m era s  


Ve rs io n   1 .2 .1  


C o p y r i g h t  


A O S   T e c h n o l o g i e s   A G  


P a g e   5   o f   3 1  









CON G RA T U LA TI ON S!  By  p u rch as in g a n   AO S  Hi gh   Sp eed  C a me ra h igh -s p e e d  d ig ita l i m ag in g  
s ys te m, y ou  h av e a cq u ir ed  a  v e rs at il e,  fu tu r e or ien te d , s el f -c on ta in ed  d igi tal  ca m e ra s y s t e m. 
AO S  T ech n olo gi es   A G h a s  co mb i n ed  ad v an c ed   ca m era  f ea tu r es   wi th   eas y  to u s e s o ft wa re  to 
cr eat e a  s olu tio n   for y o u r h i gh -s p ee d  r e cord in g  n e ed s .  T h e  in t en t o f th i s  man u al  is  to  p rov id e 
th e  in for m ati on  r eq u ir e d  fo r a s mo oth   op e rat io n  of  A OS  Hi gh   Sp eed  C a m era  

General description of AOS High Speed Camera  

AO S H igh   Sp e ed   Ca m era  is  a h igh -s p e ed   ca m era   cap ab l e o f r e cor d  an d  s t ore  d at a in   its  b u il t in  
ca m era  m e mo ry.  Th e  re ch ar g eab le  b att e ry  a llo ws  op e rat ion  o f u p  to  1 5  min u tes   au to n o mou s  
ti me  an d  u p  to  3 0  min s   s tan d -b y  t im e .  

Unpacking / Check of completeness   

Un p a ck y ou r  ca m era  f ro m  its  t ran s p o rt b o x an d   ch e ck  i f a ll a c ces s ori e s   are  co m p l et e  
Stan d ard  s cop e o f  d e liv ery  is :  


Des cr ip t ion  


AO S H igh   Sp e ed   Ca m era    


Ad ap t er  f or E th e rn et  w i th  MI L  con n ec tor  an d   /  RJ 4 5 c on n ec tor  


Ad ap t er  f or  Po w er s u p p l y MI L c on n ect or  / op en   en d s    


Ad ap t er  f or  LE D  an d  I /O  s ign als   MIL  co n n e ct or   /  op en  e n d  

Stan d ard  s cop e o f  d e liv ery  m ay  v ary  f ro m  mod e l, t er rit ory a n d  d is tri b u t or.  




Camera Mounting – Heat sink


C -E M  is  d es i gn ed   fo r  mo u n tin g on  s ol id  h eat  ab s orb in g s t ru c tu r es .  Th e  t e mp era tu r e r an g e  of  
th e  ca m er a is  s p e ci fi ed   i n  op e rat ion   an d   mou n t e d  on  s u c h   th er m ally  c on d u ct iv e s tru ctu r es .  
Wh e n   mou n t in g on   th e r m a lly  is ol at ed  s t ru c tu r e s  th e  ca m er a  my h eat   u p  an d  s h u t  d o wn  
f eatu res   ( e. g. b att ery  ch arg in g )  


C -E M  is  d es i gn ed  t o b e  u s ed  u n d e r h a rs h   en v i ro n m en ta l  con d iti on s  s u c h  as  
exp e ri en c ed  in  d e f en s e  ori en t ed   tes ts .  To  tak e  f u ll a d v an ta g e o f t h e  
ca m era p e rf or man c e  ma ke s u re  th e  ca me ra  is   m ou n t ed  on   go od  h eat 
con d u ct in g  m at eri al .  

Summary of Contents for C-EM

Page 1: ...Camera Manual C EM AOS Technologies AG Taefernstrasse 20 CH 5405 Baden Daettwil Switzerland Tel 41 56 483 3488 fax 41 56 483 3489 info aostechnologies com www aostechnologies com ...

Page 2: ...AOS High Speed Cameras Version 1 2 1 Copyright AOS Technologies AG Page 2 of 31 description ...

Page 3: ...AOS High Speed Cameras Version 1 2 1 Copyright AOS Technologies AG Page 3 of 31 ...

Page 4: ...of recordings taken with the camera It is the sole responsibility of the user to successfully record and or interpret any information collected by using this camera Copyright The information in this manual is subject to changes without any prior notice and supplied as is AOS Technologies makes no warranty of any kind with regards of the information provided herein This limitation includes but not ...

Page 5: ...y time Unpacking Check of completeness Unpack your camera from its transport box and check if all accessorie s are complete Standard scope of delivery is Qty Description 1 AOS High Speed Camera 1 Adapter for Ethernet with MIL connector and RJ45 connector 1 Adapter for Power supply MIL connector open ends 1 Adapter for LED and I O signals MIL connector open end Standard scope of delivery may vary f...

Page 6: ...eed camera always connected to power as the built in battery will protect the image memory against power failures and power losses Connect your AOS high speed camera to power following these steps switch off your camera connect the Power cable included with each camera to the cameras Power connector at the rear connect the Power supply with to the power plugs on the cable Connect the DC Adapter to...

Page 7: ...el only Any kind of warranty is immediately void if batteries are replaced by non authorized personnel The batteries used in the AOS cameras are of NiMH type Nickel metal hydride When disposing the camera make sure to follow proper environmental handling and guidelines 3 1 3 Switching on and off procedure 1 Switching on standard when camera is switched off press Power push button shortly wait unti...

Page 8: ...again When switching on the camera within 30 sec after power down some setting may not be deleted due to camera internal power management reasons Note When it is necessary to reset the camera hold the reset button pressed for a minimum of 1 sec Otherwise faulty settings may be loaded 3 1 6 Connecting the camera to a PC Your AOS camera does not need a special or dedicated control device often calle...

Page 9: ...AOS High Speed Cameras Version 1 2 1 Copyright AOS Technologies AG Page 9 of 31 3 1 7 C EM Ethernet Port C EM offers a lockable Ethernet connection link to PC AOS 3180005 ...

Page 10: ...the included AOS Imaging Studio camera control software Therefore all functions and instructions how to operate the camera can be found in the AOS Imaging Studio Manual to be found as a pdf file on the included CD Please follow the manual carefully to execute all operations In case of uncertainties or questions please do not hesitate to contact you r AOS distributor or our support engineers 5 1 1 ...

Page 11: ... However if you use special close up optics or any non standard lens it might be necessary to re adjust the back focus by following these steps Adjusting the backfocus loosen Allen screws to free focus ring on both sides of the camera set lens to infinity and its iris to maximum lowest f stop number i e 1 4 aim at an object near the horizon infinite setting adjust focus ring until distant object i...

Page 12: ...d off Camera on normal mode Camera has been switched on normally by the power push button Camera on Factory reset mode Power push button has been pressed for 4 secs Camera starts in the Factory Reset Mode and resets all parameters to Factory Default values before camera switches off Camera on battery and switch on LED is blinking 3 times Battery has low charge the camera must be connected to power...

Page 13: ...t detected or defective Connect power and charge for approx 10mins If status remains unchanged contact your distributor or support aostechnologies com System Error LED Remarks Booting error Switch off camera power switch or reset camera reset switch If camera does not start contact your AOS partner Start up sequence Camera will be in normal mode within seconds Start up sequence completed normal mo...

Page 14: ...aiting to receive the trigger signal to start recording Camera triggered Camera continues recording until image memory is full Image data download Image data is being downloaded to PC or internal CF memory Download completed Download of image data completed Next recording can be started Sync LED Remarks No external sync External sync signal received External sync signal controls the image clock Sy...

Page 15: retained in RAM memory of the camera is depending on the capacity of the built in battery The battery assures 1 hour of data security under standard conditions Battery time is affected by temperature age of battery and humidity that can result in a substantial reduction of the time which data can be retained in the RAM 6 1 2 Ready mode In this mode the camera runs at full speed but having the s...

Page 16: ...the back of the camera s tart flashing When you put the camera into PRE TRIGGERED mode via the PC be sure you have not disconnected the Ethernet link The Ethernet link may be disconnected after the camera is in PRE TRIGGERED mode 6 1 4 Recording mode In this mode the camera finishes the ongoing recording and then awaits access reconnection of the Ethernet link The camera automatically goes into a ...

Page 17: ...h MIL connector and RJ45 connector 1 Adapter for Power supply MIL connector open ends 1 Adapter for LED and I O signals MIL connector open end 1 Power Supply 110 230V 24V 1 Allen Wrench for back focus adjustment Add Ons Add ons are extension modules especially designed for your AOS high speed camera and will extend the functionality of your camera for your specific applications Some add ons have t...

Page 18: ...e camera memory Instead of downloading the image data via the Gigabit Ethernet data interface to your PC s hard disk the image data gets downloaded to the CFast memory card inserted into your camera The camera supports hot plug of the CFast cards 7 2 1 2 MicroSD cards The widely used non volatile Compact Flash memory cards in CFast standard offer a convenient way to have your image data downloaded...

Page 19: ... using more than one high speed camera to one control PC 8 1 1 Multi camera systems without frame synchronization If cameras have to or can be operated independently without frame synchronization the cameras can simply be connected using their GigE data interface and CAT6 cables To bridge longer distances commercially available GigE network components like Brid ges Hubs and Routers can be used The...

Page 20: ...tarts at the very same time to avoid time slip Time slip due to failing synchronization Phase lock frame synchronization Cam 1 Clock 999 998Hz Cam 2 Clock 1 000 002Hz Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 4 Frame 3 Frame 5 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 5 Frame 4 Frame 3 Trigger T0 Cam 1 Clock 1 000 000Hz Cam 2 Clock 1 000 000Hz Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 4 Frame 3 Frame 5 Trigger T0 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 4 Frame 3 Frame 5 ...

Page 21: ...ync signal on its Sync IN line works as the SLAVE each camera can have a different setup resolution frame rate trigger setting etc the MASTER controls the frame rate of all following SLAVE cameras SLAVE cameras run on the same or a lower frame rate then the MASTER camera Example MASTER 1 000 fps SLAVE 500 fps setting runs actually on 500fps Sync LED will be red to indicate a sync error on the SLAV...

Page 22: ...have a different frame rate setting However the actual frame rate is given by the external clock Example External clock 637 Hz Setting cam 1 1 000fps runs actual on 637 fps Setting cam 2 500 fps runs actual on 500 fps Sync LED will be red to indicate a sync error of cam 2 Setting cam 3 1 000fps runs actual on 637 fps Setting cam 4 1 000fps runs actual on 637 fps External clock Sync IN Sync IN Sync...

Page 23: ...nal Example External clock 637 Hz Setting cam 1 1 000fps runs actual on 637 fps Setting cam 2 500 fps runs actual on 500 fps Sync LED will be red to indicate a sync error of cam 2 Setting cam 3 1 000fps runs actual on 500 fps Setting cam 4 1 000fps runs actual on 500 fps Due to the fact the camera providing the Sync signal to all following camera can overrule their setting this system setup daisy ...

Page 24: ...t frame synchronization the cameras can simply be connected using their GigE data interface and CAT6 cables To bridge longer distances commercially available GigE network components like Bridges Hubs and Routers can be used The trigger signal has to be provided to each individual camera using 2 wire trigger cables and or AOS trigger cables ...

Page 25: ...y in the cameras are considered wear and tear parts and are not covered by any warranty For environmental protection do not throw away batteries in household waste Dispose batteries safely or return it to AOS technologies or your nearest distributor 9 1 3 Cleaning the AOS High Speed Camera Infrared filter Your AOS High Speed Camera color versions standard does have an optical filter to block infra...

Page 26: ...right AOS Technologies AG Page 26 of 31 10 Troubleshooting Despite all quality procedures in design development and production there can be errors in the software The known bugs are listed in the release notes of the specific software release ...

Page 27: ...Pin6 B Pin7 D Pin8 D Pin9 13 N C MS27508E10F35SN equivalent 8T2 10F35SN mating MS27473T10F35PN equivalent 8T6 10F35PN I O and status Pin1 GND white Pin2 GND brown Pin3 VDC 24 36VDC green Pin4 Sync IN yellow Pin5 Sync OUT gray Pin6 Set to record IN pink Pin7 Trigger IN blue Pin8 Strobe OUT red Pin9 Armed OUT black Pin10 Triggered OUT violet Pin11 N C gray pink Pin12 N C red blue Pin13 IRIG B white ...

Page 28: ...AOS High Speed Cameras Version 1 2 1 Copyright AOS Technologies AG Page 28 of 31 11 2 Schematics of external input and output signals ...

Page 29: ...ggered Camera has been triggered Ready Data LED on camera red blinking Sync Out Square wave signal with frequency of image acquisition and 50 pulse width Strobe Out Square wave signal with frequency of image acquisition pulse width equal to shutter time Power LED Camera is running powered up Charge LED Internal battery is charging LowBatt LED Capacity of internal battery is low Error LED Camera ha...

Page 30: ...d Cameras Version 1 2 1 Copyright AOS Technologies AG Page 30 of 31 12 CE declaration The C series have been tested according the following standards F u l l t e s t re p o rt a v a i l a b l e u p o n r e q u e s t ...

Page 31: ...he Purchaser properly packaged to avoid further damage addressed to AOS Täfernstrasse 20 CH 5405 Baden Daettwill Switzerland with transportation and other applicable charges prepaid by the Purchaser The liability of AOS under the foregoing warranty is limited at AOS Technologies option solely to repair or replacement with an equiv alent Product which may include a refurbished or previously owned P...
