Web Server
Doc.Id. HMSI-27-212
Anybus CompactCom 40 EtherNet/IP
Doc.Rev. 1.5
4.2.2 Ethernet statistics page
The Ethernet statistics web page contains the following information:
Ethernet Link
Port 1
The current link speed.
The current duplex configuration.
Port 2
The current link speed.
The current duplex configuration.
Ethernet/IP Statistics
Established Class1 Connections
Current number of established class1 connections
Established Class3 Connections
Current number of established class3 connections
Connection Open Requests
Number of received connection open requests
Connection Open Format Rejects
Connection open requests rejected due to request format error
Connection Open Resource Rejects Connection open requests rejected due to lack of resources
Connection Open Other Rejects
Connection open requests rejected due to other reasons
Connection Close Requests
Number of received connection open requests
Connection Close Format Rejects
Connection close requests rejected du to request format error
Connection Close Other Rejects
Connection close requests rejected due to other reasons
Connection Timeouts
Number of connection timeouts
Interface Counters
In Octets:
Received bytes.
In Ucast Packets:
Received unicast packets.
In NUcast packets:
Received non unicast packets (broadcast and multicast).
In Discards:
Received packets discarded due to no available memory buffers.
In Errors:
Received packets discarded due to reception error.
In Unknown Protos:
Received packets with unsupported protocol type.
Out Octets:
Sent bytes.
Out Ucast packets:
Sent unicast packets.
Out NUcast packets:
Sent non unicast packets (broadcast and multicast).
Out Discards:
Outgoing packets discarded due to no available memory buffers.
Out Errors:
Transmission errors.
Media Counters
Alignment Errors
Frames received that are not an integral number of octets in length.
FCS Errors
Frames received that do not pass the FCS check.
Single Collisions
Successfully transmitted frames which experienced exactly one
Multiple Collisions
Successfully transmitted frames which experienced more than one
SQE Test Errors
Number of times SQE test error messages are generated.
Deferred Transmissions
Frames for which first transmission attempt is delayed because the
medium is busy.
Late Collisions
Number of times a collision is detected later than 512 bit-times into
the transmission of a packet.
Excessive Collisions
Frames for which a transmission fails due to excessive collisions.
MAC Receive Errors
Frames for which reception of an interface fails due to an internal
MAC sublayer receive error.
MAC Transmit Errors
Frames for which transmission fails due to an internal MAC sub-
layer receive error.