Program Name Page
This page allows you to name each of your Programs. Typically, you would
name the program after the scale that it contains. Alternatively, you could
name it after the song or portion of a song in which it’s used. Do whatever
helps you best remember what you had in mind when you created the
To enter the name, place the cursor under each character space and use
the data knob to select the appropriate character. Names may be a maxi-
mum of 13 characters.
The following characters are available for naming (in this order):
(space) (UPPER CASE LETTERS) (lower case letters) – . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 !
“# $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , : ; < = > ? @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ ` { | } -> <-
Save Program Page
Prog:XX Save? To Pgm
After you finish examining and/or editing Program Edit parameters, press
the PROGRAMS button again to exit. If you have made any changes, the
Save Program Page appears. You may select YES to save or NO to ignore
changes that have been make (they will then be lost). You may also specify
a Program number to which the new Program is to be saved. If you save to
a different Program number, that Program becomes the current Program
when you return to the Main Page and the original Program remains
Song Edit Pages
As explained in Chapter 1, the ATR-1a’s Song Mode is designed to give you
an easy and flexible way to control, in as much detail as you require,
exactly how the ATR-1a will process each note of a song.
Pressing the PROGRAMS button while the Song Mode main screen is
displayed will place the ATR-1a in Song Edit Mode.