As an example, the following settings result in a D Major scale with no pitch
corrections applied to F
and C
23: C#D E F#G A B
By: * *
Why set Scale notes to “Blank”?
To understand why it is sometimes necessary to set even correct scale notes
to ”Blank,“ let's look again at the example from Chapter 1.
This phrase is in D Major and, if all the pitch errors were no greater than
about 49 cents, would work fine with a standard D Major scale (D, E, F
, G,
A, B, C
). However, the pitch error of three semitones at the end of the last
note is so large that with B and C
present in the Scale, as the pitch fell, the
ATR-1 would see first C
and then B as the target pitch and therefore allow
the error to remain. With C
and B removed from the Scale, the ATR-1
continues to see D as the target pitch for the entire duration of the note
and therefore pulls the phrase up to the correct pitch.
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