SNTP Configuration interface
IP Security
IP s ecurity f unction a llows the user t o as sign 10 s pecific I P addresses that have
permission t o access the s witch t hrough t he w eb browser for the securing switch
IP Security Mode:
When this option is in
mode, the
Enable HTTP Server
Enable Telnet Server
checkboxes will then be available.
Enable HTTP Server:
When t his checkbox is ticked, the I P a ddresses among
Security IP1 ~ IP10 will be allowed to access this switch via HTTP service.
Enable Telnet Server:
When this c heckbox i s t icked, t he I P ad dresses among
Security IP1 ~ IP10 will be allowed to access this switch via telnet service.
Security IP 1 ~ 10:
The s ystem al lows t he us er t o a ssign u p t o 10 specific I P
addresses for access security. Only these 10 IP addresses can access and manage
the switch through the HTTP/Telnet service.
And then, click
button to apply the configuration.
Remember to execute the “Save Configuration” action, otherwise the new
configuration will lose when the switch powers off.