G.FIT User Guide and Specification, Rev 2.0_Alpha.14
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gfit_fep_send_command_update (0xE5)
Command Response = Success
Write Request to Custom Control Point
Op Code = Set User Weight
Parameter Value = 72.055 kg
Store User Weight
gfit_event_set_user_data (0xB7)
User Weight Updated = true
User Weight = 72.055 kg
Write Response
Custom Control Point Indication
Op Code = Response Code
Response Command = Set User Weight
Response Value = Success
gfit_fep_send_status_update (0xE6)
Status Type = User Data
User Weight Updated = true
User Weight = 72.055 kg
Custom Data Notification
Op Code = User Weight Configured
Parameter Value = 72.055 kg
Figure 5-1. Using BLE to set the user weight
The fe_command_status_update command at the end of this process is optional. This step enables G.FIT to
transmit the new user weight value on both the BLE channel (as a notification) and the ANT+ FE-C channel
(as a requestable data page).
Setting manufacturer specific data
The figure below shows the message flow that occurs when a BLE display is used to set a manufacturer
specific value on a G.FIT module.