Quick-Start Guide
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Step 1:
Connect a 8-24 volt DC
power source to the iAMdriver via the
2-Pin Power Connection. The
regulator gets very hot over 12 volts
so avoid touching it, should you need
to remove the transparent red cover.
Step 2:
Verify power is connected by
looking for a solid green LED, that
actually appears orange due to the
transparent red cover. The blinking
red LED indicates that the MCU is
alive and awaiting connection to the
iAMdriver app.
Step 3:
Go to Settings on your
iDevice and turn on Airplane Mode.
Note: this will disable all other
wireless connections.
Step 4:
Locate the SSID
iAMdriverXXXXX, where XXXXX is
the number found on the bar code
label on the iAMdriver circuit board.
Step 5:
Speed up your network
connection time by setting up a static
IP address.
Step 6:
Once the network appears in
the status bar, launch the iAMdriver
App. The Configure page allows you
to enter the IP address and port.
Green LED
12v Power