by someone on the ground.
Wooden Pole/Wall Mount Clamp
Revision K • January 2010 • Page 1 of 2
Bulletin 095265-000
Installation Instructions
The DB365W mounting clamp is used to mount
omni style antennas or mounting pipes (1 1/4” to
3 1/2” O.D.) to a wooden pole or masonry wall.
Two 5/8” (15.88 mm) diameter mounting holes
will be needed in the mounting structure to
accommodate the DB365W clamp. The diameter
of the pole or the wall thickness must not exceed
10” (254 mm).
The DB365-WS kit is the same as the DB365W,
Do not install near power lines.
Wear shoes with rubber soles and heels.
Wear protective clothing including a long-
Figure 1. DB365W Mounting Clamp Parts.
WS is to be mounted on the opposing side of a
nuts (Item 7) and washers (Item 8), The DB365-
but does not contain the long bolt (Item 6), or the
any wire or line can electrocute you.
guy wires look the same. Assume
Power lines, telephone lines, and
Do not use metal ladder.
when lightning or thunder is in the area.
Do not install on a wet or windy day or
sleeved shirt and rubber gloves.
Pre-assemble as much of the mounting
hardware as possible to the antenna while on
the ground. (Carefully, read the installation
instructions before proceeding.) If hoisting the
antenna to the top of the tower or structure,
attach a rope to the mounting hardware at the
bottom of the antenna and then make a slip
knot loop of the rope at the top of the antenna.
The slip knot loop will keep the antenna
vertical when hoisting the antenna. For safety,
an additional rope can be attached to the
bottom of the antenna to be used as a guide
DB365W & DB365-WS