Allows you to set a name, which will be used as alarm identification, for each alarm enabled. The field allows up to 16 characters.
Allows you to select the operation to be performed by the alarm enabled. This feature has three parameters, which allow you to
select the channels or setpoint to be analyzed and the operation to be performed (see chapter
Allows you to set the value to be exceeded for the channel to satisfy the alarm situation.
Allows you to set the barrier to be exceeded for the channel to exit the alarm situation.
Allows you to set the range that will satisfy the alarm situation.
When configuring the alarm for a digital input that is configured for "Event Log" or "Logs Control" mode, you can only use the '='
comparison with Setpoints '0' or '1', since the alarm will be used to compare with the logic level of the channel. Also, it is important
to note that if configured for "Event Edge: Rise" or " Event Edge: Fall", the alarm may never enter or never leave the alarm state.
Thus, for the alarm to operate correctly, it is recommended to use the "Event Edge: Both" option.
Allows you to enable or disable the alarm delay option.
Enable delay:
Allows you to enable the delay of configured alarms. Once enabled, the device will only consider an alarm if the setpoint is
exceeded and maintained for a timer longer than the configured delay.
Configure seconds:
Allows you to configure the delay period to be considered. Maximum value: 3600 seconds.
NXperience Mobile
Figure 20 –
Alarm actions
Alarm Actions:
Allows you to select the actions to be taken whenever the configured alarm enters an alarm situation.
Send E-mail to:
Allows you to select the contacts that should receive this alarm notification (see
Activate Buzzer:
Allows you to select so that the buzzer is activated whenever the configured alarm goes into alarm.
Start Logs:
If the Log Start Mode is set to "By Alarm", it allows you to start logging every time the alarm goes into alarm. The "Start Logs"
and "Stop Logs" actions are mutually exclusive. Once an alarm has been set to start the logs whenever the device enters alarm situation, it
will not be possible to use the same alarm to stop them.
Stop Logs:
If Log Stop Mode is set to "By Alarm", it allows you to stop logging every time the alarm goes into alarm. The "Start Logs" and
"Stop Logs" actions are mutually exclusive. Once an alarm has been set to stop the logs whenever the device enters alarm situation, it will
not be possible to use the same alarm to start them.
Log while Active:
If the Start Mode and Stop Mode are set to "By Alarm", it allows you to register whenever the configured alarm is set to
alarm. If the configured alarm is no longer in alarm, the device will automatically stop logging. If an alarm has been set in the "Start Logs"
or "Stop Logs" modes, it will not be possible to set any alarm in the "Log while Active" mode. Unlike the previous modes, which allow only a
single alarm to be configured for each action, this mode has many alarms.