LogBox Wi-Fi
has a PNP-type Digital Output which when triggered places the voltage from the external power supply to the respective
and can be disabled or configured to operate in one of the modes described below:
Auxiliary Electronic Switch:
Allows you to control the power supply of external instruments during analog channel readings.
4-20 mA transmitters, for example, can be fed by the digital output pin, so that they are only turned on when they are read – which would save
energy from the
LogBox Wi-Fi
external power supply, which can be a 12 V battery. In the "Auxiliary Electronic Switch" mode, it will be
necessary to configure how long before each acquisition the digital output must be triggered.
Drive Time:
It defines, in seconds, how long before each acquisition the digital output must be triggered. It will be deactivated when the
acquisition is ready. Such time cannot be longer than the lowest acquisition range (Instant, Average = 1/10 of the snapshot, Interval of
Display Range). If equal to 0, the Auxiliary Electronic Switch will be enabled at the exact moment of an acquisition. If greater than or equal
to the lowest acquisition range, the Auxiliary Electronic Switch will remain be enabled.
Alarm Status:
Allows you to follow the current general alarm status. If any channel is in an alarm situation, the Digital Output will be triggered.
If no channel is set to alarm, the Digital Output will be disabled.