AD9888 Evaluation Board
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The EVAL-AD9888EB can be used both to demonstrate the
performance of the AD9888 and to serve as an implementation
example for design and layout. To aid in real-world evaluation,
the EVAL-AD9888EB was designed to be connected as easily as
possible into another PCB, such as a graphics controller board.
The EVAL-AD9888EB requires a 5 V power supply, graphics
signals (through either of the 15-pin VGA connectors), and a
means to program the internal chip registers. PC compatible
hardware and software are provided for programming the
internal chip registers.
In most cases, this evaluation board will be used to digitize
analog RGB graphics signals and pass the data on to another
board. To do this, connect the graphics signals to either of the
15-pin VGA connectors, supply 5 V to the board, and program
the internal serial register. Supplying power and programming
the chip are described later in this data sheet. The digitized data,
generated clock signals, and control signals are passed off the
board through the right-side Connector J3.
The EVAL-AD9888EB contains three 3.3 V voltage regulators,
which supply power to the AD9888’s three power supplies (refer
to the AD9888 Data Sheet). Best performance can be obtained
from the AD9888 when the analog supply (V
) and the PLL
supply (P
) have their own regulators separate from the
primary 3.3 V supply (V
). The three regulators work
nominally when supplied with 5 V, but will work with a range of
voltages. Power is applied to the board through the right-side
connector (Pins 1, 2, 41, and 42 of J3). Typically, power is
supplied from another board, as is the case when using the
UXGA panel driver board.
The EVAL-AD9883EB provides for raw Hsync and Vsync
selection to connector J3 via the 3-pin jumpers labeled HS_SEL
and VS_SEL. If the raw Hsync and Vsync are to be used by the
Figure 1. The AD9888 Evaluation Board
connected interface board (whether it be a panel driver board
or other type of board), these jumpers should be placed
appropriately depending on which video input is selected. If
input 0 is selected, the jumpers should be placed in the 0
position (as marked on the PCB); If 1 is selected, the jumpers
should be placed in the 1 position.
There are several references in this data sheet to specific control
registers in the AD9888. The convention used in this data sheet
is to specify the register number in hex, followed by an “h” and
by the bit number within the register. For example, [12h7]
means Register 12, Bit 7.
Hardware and software are provided for programming the
AD9888 internal registers. The hardware consists of a standard
printer cable and a receiver chip located on the panel driver
board. The programming signals come onto the EVAL-
AD9888EB through Pins 38 and 39 on Connector J3. The
software is included on the installation CD-ROM and is
described in the Setup Software section.