WebConsole - Security Options
NX-Series Controllers - WebConsole & Programming Guide
Audit Logs
An audit log includes the date/time of the event, the event type, the software or hardware component where the event occurred,
the source of the event, the subject identity, and the outcome of the event. For events related to a remote device, the audit log
includes the source and destination network addresses and ports or protocol identifiers.
The Master generates an audit record for the following events:
Each successful or unsuccessful attempt to access security files
Alerts and errors
Starting/Shutting down audit logging
Any blocking (including the reason) of access based on a UID, terminal, or access port
Any configuration change. The record includes the source and destination network addresses and ports or protocol
Denial of access due to excessive login attempts
Each log off
Each successful or unsuccessful attempt to log on to the application
Successfully or unsuccessfully loading and starting a Duet module
Modification of permissions associated with roles
Connection and loss of connection to an NTP server. (Loss of connection is defined as three successive failed polls. A single
successful poll constitutes a re-connection.
System reboot
Software or firmware updates
Creation, modification, and deletion of user accounts
The Master retains audit log records for 30 days (or less depending on available space), after which they are automatically
Banners enable you to display pre- and post-login text in the WebConsole and terminal interfaces. Banner files are text files
containing up to 500 characters in each file. (Any additional characters are discarded.)
Banner files are user-provided and optional. If no files are found, no banner appears.
The following special characters are allowed for use in banner text messages:
! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
Also allowed are any printable ASCII characters (including "space"): A-Z, a-z, 0-9.
Pre-login banners must be named "banner.txt" and stored in the /user directory on the Master. Post-login banners are obtained
from one or more files in the /user directory. Post-login banner text is a concatenation of the allroles_banner.txt file, followed by all
of the applicable <role>_banner.txt files, where <role> is the name of a defined Role in the system. The applicable files are those
that match the Roles assigned to the user that logged in. If a Role is currently locked, its banner file is not included.
If you load a new "banner.txt" file with new content to the Master, you must reboot the Master to display the new file.