Serial Commands
Acendo Vibe Conferencing Soundbars - User Guide
Serial Commands
Acendo Vibe supports a set of Serial commands that can be sent to the unit via the 3-pin captive-wire RS-232 connector
on the rear of the Acendo Vibe unit (see FIG. 11 on page 11).
RS-232 Connector Specifications
The Acendo Vibe RS-232 connector settings are: 115,200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity and one stop bit. These
settings cannot be changed.
Command Protocol
Protocol Definition
The Acendo Vibe control protocol is a text based protocol.
The protocol is command/response from client to server and from server to client. A client can send one command to the
server, then it must wait for a response from the server before sending another command. In the meantime, the server
can send one command to the client, but must wait for a response from the client before sending another command.
The general syntax of a Acendo Vibe message is:
<Command/Reply> [<Argument> ]*
Spaces are used as delimiters between the items in a message and the message is terminated by any of the following:
carriage return (\r)
newline (\n)
carriage return (\r) followed by newline (\n)
If any command or arguments contain a space or newline, it must be surrounded by double quotes ("). If the double
quote (") appears in an argument, it must be escaped with a backslash (\).
Leading and trailing spaces on all parameters and commands are stripped and not preserved. Embedded spaces are
preserved, so keys and names and so on can have embedded spaces.
Case Sensitivity
Case-insensitive: commands, replies, paths, names, message-forwarding info.
Case-sensitive: parameters.
The protocol is not case sensitive but it can be case preservative in that when replying to messages you could
use the same case as in the original command. However, this is not a hard requirement.
Path Syntax
A crucial concept is that of a path name. The path name is the name given to an element. The path name includes the
path and the name of the element. A forward slash "/" is used to distinguish hierarchy in the path name. Paths can be
surrounded by double quotes if required due to white space in the path. An example of a path name is:
"/Audio/P1/Channel 1/Gain"
The forward slash at the start indicates that the path is absolute. If the path is a relative path to the current working path,
the first forward slash will not be present.
Command / Reply
A command is a path (with possibly only one node). Each command has a specific reply. The reply pre-pends "@" to the
original command to form the reply. This pre-pending makes it easy for a parser to quickly distinguish a reply command.
Parameters are separated by the space delimiter. If wanting spaces inside a parameter, use quotes. If wanting quotes
inside a parameter, use the \" escape sequence. While inside quotes, newlines will be preserved and ignored. Outside of
quotes, a newline terminates the line.
Unsupported command reply
When a well-formed command that is not applicable to the particular Acendo Vibe model (A, V or R) is received, e.g. a
video command to an A model, Acendo Vibe will return an unsupported command reply, as follows:
@Unsupported <entire offending message>