Machine Control Solutions
your work more efficient
pg. 34
Figure 12: Design Surface
Then we would export the data from WaterCourse Site Design (or another designing software)
and import it into DITCH. The above picture is what a completed design surface would look like.
Make sure to locate the design surface and any other data uploaded from your designing
source, into the same project as the original control point, topo, surface, etc., for consistency.
When loaded into DITCH and connected to machine control, you will see cut/fill amounts on
the red/green/blue bar indicating the amount of earth needed to be moved as shown below.
Figure 13: Machine Controlling
There are two different ways to start machine controlling to grade. The first is strictly following
the design surface without changing any settings as shown above. The second is changing the
surface type to grids, which are colored squares that represent the current grade of the ground.
As you complete more passes and machine control over the grade, the colors change until they
are eventually all green.