American Security Products Co.
ESL20XL Operating Instructions
Released Aug. 9, 2018
Revision A
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ESL20XL Electronic Lock Operating Instructions
The ESL20XL uses a fixed length 6-digit combination. Your AMSEC ESL20XL Electronic Safe Lock has a default
factory combination of: 1-2-3-4-5-6.
Opening Your ESL20XL Lock for the First Time
Press the “C” key.
Key in the factory preset combination.
Press the “#” key.
If the combination was entered correctly, the lock will cycle open for three seconds. During this 3-second period,
turn the handle of the safe to the unlocked position and pull the door open.
Changing the ESL20XL Master User Combination
You may change your combination any time you’d like and as many times as you’d like. To insure security once
your safe is installed, you must change the factory preset combination to a new 6-digit combination.
Combination changes should always be done with the door OPEN to prevent accidental lockout.
Press the “C” key.
Press the “#” key. You should hear a short warbling tone and see the red LED flash.
Key in your old 6-digit combination.
Press the “#” key. You should hear a short good combination tone.
Key in your new 6-digit combination.
Press the “#” key. You should hear a short good combination tone.
Re-key in the new 6-digit combination again.
Press the “#” key. If the combination input matches the first pass, you should hear a long good combination
tone indicating your new combination has been recorded.
Test your new combination several times prior to closing and locking the safe.
See the ESL20XL Beep and LED Patterns table on Page 10.
Changing User Combinations
section for instructions on changing combinations for Users other
than the Master User.
A Few Things to Remember
With each keystroke, the red LED on the keypad will flash and the beeper will chirp.
If 4 incorrect combinations are entered, the lock will go into Penalty Lockout for 15 minutes to prevent
trial-and-error attempts at opening the lock. The red LED will flash once every 5 seconds during this period.
If you press any key during the Penalty Lockout Period, the red LED will flash and you will hear 8 rapid
chirps. Removing power does not reset the Penalty Lockout.
Before keying the combination, be sure that the handle of the safe is centered in the locked position to
allow the lock to open freely.
If the lock fails to open or acts strangely, replace the batteries with fresh alkaline 9-volt batteries. See
Replacing the Batteries” on Page 2 of these instructions. It is a good practice to replace your batteries
once a year to prevent corrosion damage from leakage and assure you always have ample power to open
the lock.