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The AD1020 Series of infrared illuminators

provide outstanding results when used with IR

sensitive black and white cameras, like the

ADC660 and the ADC660X. This combination

provides a value driven alternative to very low

light cameras.

These illuminators are excellent for covert

security or where the use of visible lighting is

not desired.

The 15 watt and 30 watt low-power illuminators

are suitable for indoor and small outdoor areas.

Where greater outside distance is required, the

60 watt illuminators provide coverage to 55 m

(180 ft).

AD1020 Series


880 and 950 nm versions

15, 30, and 60 watt

IP66 rating

MTBF exceeds 11 years

Range up to 55 m (180 ft)

Power supplies available

Pan/tilt brackets available

Front side – Single sheet – Letter size – print 4/c

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