Chapter 1
AMD-761™ System Controller Software/BIOS Design Guide
24081D—February 2002
Preliminary Information
General BIOS Initialization Requirements
The following sections provide general requirements for BIOS
w h e n p r o g ra m m i n g t h e A M D -7 6 1 s y s t e m c o n t r o l l e r
configuration registers. Note that the register descriptions also
include some specific programming notes.
AMD-761™ Configuration Spaces
The AMD-761 system controller contains both I/O and memory-
mapped configuration spaces as listed below.
I/O Mapped Space
PCI configuration space address and data (CF8h, CFCh)
Host bridge registers mapped in PCI configuration
space, device 0, function 0
DDR interface PDL and I/O controls mapped in PCI
configuration space to device 0, function 1
PCI to PCI bridge/AGP registers mapped in PCI
configuration space to device 1, function 0
GART Memory-Mapped Registers
Mapped in memory space as defined by the
programming of Base Address 1: GART Memory Mapped
Register Base
Special Configuration Sequencing Requirements
This section outlines a few cases in the AMD-761 system
controller configuration registers that require special handling
for proper BIOS programming.
Configuration Cycles
The AMD-761 system controller supports configuration
address space as defined by the
PCI Local Bus Specification
Revision 2.2, which defines a unique 256-byte space that is
accessed through two 32-bit index registers mapped in I/O
As defined in the PCI specification, configuration cycles are
generated on the PCI bus only when bit 31 of the Configuration
Address register is set.