When selecting Current Values, you have the following display options to choose:
Available sources - measurements from channel X or Y or diagnostic data
Keep plots on source change - if you want to keep already drawn charts from one of the above
sources in the chart field when you want to draw new graphs from another source along with
them- check this option
Set Number - the number of last measurements to be displayed
Custom Dataset - advanced graph drawing options in which you can choose to draw any
estimate from any sensors at once and clean all graphs at once with clear plot button
From Date - allows you to draw a chart from the selected date
Title of column - to draw a graph, click on the selected column title
Selected curves and chart legend are visible in the area of the graph.
The Measurements are stored in CSV format and can be downloaded via the website in the Download
tab. Both the tab and the content of the sample file are presented in the figures below. After clicking the
Download button the file archive is downloaded. It is a directory called vibrosensor_MAC_address along
with directories inside with the names that this sensor had. In the folder with the name of the sensor
there are files in the CSV format which have the date of saving the measurements as a title. If you want
to narrow down the period from which you will download files, you have to check the From or To fields
and select the chosen date. Otherwise, all files assigned to the sensor name will be downloaded.
Figure 23. Download tab