AMT5500 User Manual
Handling of this product in the vicinity of electronic
medical equipment
Those who wear an implantable pacemaker or a defibrillator must carry
or use this product at least 22 cm away from the implanted product.
The radio wave from this product may affect the operation of electronic
medical equipment.
Do not use this product in crowded places as there may be people
nearby with implantable cardiac pacemakers and implantable
defibrillators. The radio wave from this product may affect the operation
of electronic medical equipment.
Use the following indoors in the medical institution:
Do not bring this product into the operating room, Intensive Care Unit
(ICU) or Coronary Care Unit (CCU)
Do not use this product in the ward.
Even if you are in a lobby, etc., do not use this product if there are
medical electrical equipment nearby.
Please follow the instructions from each medical institution when you
use this product in a medical institution.
If any electronic medical equipment other than an implantable
pacemaker or an implantable defibrillator is used outside a medical
institution, such as in the home, please confirm the possible effect of
radio waves with the manufacturer of the electronic medical equipment.
The radio wave from this product may affect the operation of electronic
medical equipment.
If you use medical equipment, contact the equipment manufacturer
before using your device to determine whether or not the equipment
will be affected by radio frequencies emitted by the device.