DMA Controller
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This chapter describes the direct memory access controller (DMAC) contained in the hard processor system
(HPS). The DMAC is used to transfer data between memory and peripherals and other memory locations
in the system. The DMA controller is an instance of the ARMCorelink
DMA Controller (DMA-330).
Related Information
For more information about ARM’s DMA-330 controller, refer to the
CoreLink DMA Controller DMA-330
Revision: r1p1
Technical Reference Manual on the ARM info center website
Features of the DMA Controller
The HPS provides one DMAC to handle the data transfer between memory-mapped peripherals and
memories, off-loading this work from the microprocessor unit (MPU) subsystem. The DMAC supports
memory-to-memory, memory-to-peripheral, and peripheral-to-memory transfers. The DMAC supports
up to eight logical channels for different levels of service requirements. It provides up to 31 peripheral
handshake interfaces for peripheral hardware flow control.
The DMA controller contains an instruction processing block that enables it to process program code that
controls a DMA transfer. The DMAC also contains an ARM Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture
(AMBA) Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) master interface unit to fetch the program code from system
memory into its instruction cache. The AXI master interface also performs DMA data transfer as well. The
DMA instruction execution engine executes the program code from its instruction cache and schedules read
or write AXI instructions through the respective instruction queues. The DMAC also contains a multi-FIFO
(MFIFO) data buffer that stores data that it reads, or writes, during a DMA transfer.
The DMAC provides 11 interrupt outputs to enable efficient communication of events to the MPU subsystem.
The peripheral request interfaces support the connection of DMA-capable peripherals to enable memory-
to-peripheral and peripheral-to-memory transfers to occur, without intervention from the processor. Because,
the HPS supports some peripherals that do not comply with ARM DMA peripheral interface protocol,
adapters are added to allow these peripherals to work with the DMAC.
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