Heatmaster 2
Temperature comparison configuration
This feature allows the measuring of a temperature difference between to temperature sensor. This feature
comes in handy when trying to measure the temperature drop of the coolant whilst passing through the
radiator or temperature increase over a water block. This feature also makes it easy to determine the
temperature difference between room temperature and coolant temperature.
Activate this box only if you would like to use this feature.
It is possible to set a name for every temperature difference
value individually. The name may contain up to 255 characters
made up of letters and numbers. Example: (Coolant to air)
(CPU in and out). To allow proper display of the name, we
recommend using short names.
Sensor 1 / Sensor 2
Choose the two sensors which are to be compared. The
computation of the difference value is as follows: Temperature
difference = Sensor 1
– Sensor 2. Of Sensor 2 measures a
higher temperature, the temperature difference will be displayed
as negative.
Special note
Note regarding emergency shutdown
The emergency shutdown feature can (if the hardware is installed correctly) effectively prevent damage to
your system in many cases. Despite the well-designed concept of the feature, it cannot be guaranteed that
your system will always be protected. Especially the automatic reboot feature on some Mainboards may lead
to complications with the relay/ button configuration. This greatly depends on the Mainboard and if it is able
to correctly interpret the signals from the Heatmaster 2.
Standard settings in the software
The Heatmaster’s software settings when shipped are made in such a way, that it must be configured by the
user before use. The settings can be saved as a profile to allow quick change of settings by loading pre-
configured profiles. Hence it is possible for the user to create different profiles (e.g. office, silent, maximum
power) and to save them. At
we also offer pre-configured profiles for different modes of
operation and system configurations for download.
– Frequently asked questions
A current list of the FAQ (frequently asked questions) can be found online at our homepage respectively in
the online forum. We will add the FAQ here with the next update of this operating manual.
The Heatmaster 2 comes prepared for a multitude of expansion. Currently more than 20 follow-up projects,
applications and products are being developed. We expect the first expansions to be available in late 2011
and most of the planned expansion in 2011. Current information regarding new expansions and features can
be found at
respectively in the online forum. An excerpt from the planned expansion can
be found in the appendix.