Heatmaster 2
Use of the software
Click on the Icon „Establish connection“ to open the monitoring and control window of the Heatmaster 2.
Two windows will pop up, indicating that the Heatmaster has been detected and that the configuration has
been opened. If everything has started correctly, this will be displayed again.
The general overview of the Heatmaster 2 opens and the connected components are listed.
General configuration
Here you can set the device name of your Heatmaster 2. This is
especially important if multiple devices are connected e.g. in a
server or network.
Temperature unit
The temperature can be displayed in °C or °K. The setting made
here will be automatically transferred to all settings which are
related to the temperature.
Choose between multiple languages. The basic version already
has language files for: German, English, French, Spanish and
Data request interval
Here the intervals at which the PC-Software synchronizes data
with the hardware can be set. The longer the intervals, the less
traffic between PC and Heatmaster is created. 2.
Switching time
Here the period can be set for which the relay will switch in