Power Pong
User Manual
Page 13
Section 3: Alpha Control Panel
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Control Panel Description
The Alpha control panel is used to control all aspects of
how the balls are thrown/delivered to you. This includes
the placement of the ball on the table, as well as speed,
spin and more. Through the control panel, you also start
and stop the process of balls being thrown and, you
control the rate at which they are thrown. Drills, which
will be covered in Section 4, are created, modified, and
saved using the control panel. In this section of the User
Manual, we cover the function of the individual buttons,
dials, and LEDs that are part of the control panel.
Controls Affecting the Single Thrown Ball Type
Ball Placement Rotary Dials (Figure 3-1)
There are six Placement Rotary Dials, with LEDs above each dial. These dials (1-6) determine the
left to right landing spot of the ball, related to the centerline of the table. When the indicator
dot on the dial is centered, the ball will be delivered approximately down the center line of the
table. As the dial is turned to the left (of center), the ball will be delivered to the left of the
center line on the table. As the dial is turned to the right (of center) the ball will be delivered to
the right of the center line on the table. The farther the dial is turned from center, the farther
the ball will be from the centerline, either left or right.
Ball LEDs 1
6 (Figure 3-2)
Above each Ball Placement Rotary dial is an LED. When the LED is flashing, the corresponding
Ball Placement Rotary Dial is active, and when the dial is turned, the deflector plates on the
throwing head will move. The number below the flashing LED will be
referred to as the “active
Additional controls, such as speed, spin, trajectory, etc. can be adjusted to affect the
active ball. When illuminated and solid, this indicates that a Ball for that number has been
Figure 3-1