Preliminary check of contents
Once the package has been opened, proceed to checking the contents:
metal slides, guarantee document, user manual, cd-rom containing the TRI POWER X33 HE management software,
serial connecting cable, 4 battery fuses (to be inserted in the "SWBATT" fuse holders), door key.
Positioning the Tri Power X33 HE
When positioning the equipment, the following points should be taken into account:
The wheels are intended for accurate positioning, therefore for small movements only.
The plastic parts and the door are not suitable for pushing or gripping the TRI POWER X33 HE.
Sufficient space should be left in front of the equipment, for it to be switched on and off and in order to allow
carrying out
maintenance operations on it (≥ 1,5 metres).
The rear part of the TRI POWER X33 HE should be placed at least at 30 cm from the wall, to allow the air
blown by the ventilation fans to outflow correctly.
No objects should be placed on its upper surface.
Once the equipment has been positioned, secure it with the apposite brake rod (see "Front views of the TRI
POWER X33 HE ").
In earthquake-prone zones or in mobile systems it is possible to use the brackets securing the TRI POWER X33 HE
to the pallet to anchor the machine to the ground (see figure below). In normal conditions the brackets are not
Operations to access the terminals of the TRI POWER X33 HE
To carry out the following operations, the TRI POWER X33 HE must be disconnected from the
mains power supply, switched off, and with all the equipment switches and fuse holders open.
Follow the instructions provided below to open the TRI POWER X33 HE:
Open the door using, if necessary, the key provided
Remove the terminal cover in correspondence with the switches (see "Front views of the TRI POWER X33
HE" )
Once the installation operations inside the equipment have been completed, replace the terminal cover and close the