ADM-PA101 User Manual
3.8 Micro USB Interface
The ACAP can be configured directly from the USB connection on either the front panel or the rear card edge.
The ADM-PA101 utilizes the Digilent USB-JTAG converter which is supported by the Xilinx software tool suite.
Simply connect a micro-USB AB type cable between the ADM-PA101 USB port and a host computer with Vivado
installed. Vivado Hardware Manager will automatically recognize the ACAP and allow you to configure the ACAP
and the SPI configuration Flash memory.
Figure 10 : USB Location
The same USB connector is used to directly access the system monitor system. All voltages, currents,
temperatures, and non-volatile clock configuration settings can be accessed using Alpha Data's avr2util software
at this interface.
Avr2util for Windows and the associated USB driver is downloadable here:
Avr2util for Linux is downloadable here:
Use this command to see all options:
avr2util.exe /?
Use this command to display all sensor values:
avr2util.exe /usbcom com4 display-sensors
Here is an example of changing the FIREFLY_CLK to 100MHz on the next power-up event:
avr2util.exe /usbcom com4 setclknv 0 100000000
Setclk index 0 = FIREFLY_CLK, index 1 = MGT_PROGCLK, index 2 = MEM_CLK, index 3 = FABRIC_CLK.
Here is an example of changing the boot mode from uSD to QSPI on the next power-up event:
avr2util.exe /usbcom com4 set-boot-mode qspi24
Boot-mode commands use open drain drivers and can only drive mode pins low.
In the examples above, change 'com4' to match the com port number assigned under windows device manager.
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Functional Description