ALP K2 WS-630 Service Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for WS-630

Page 1: ...ЛL K Sewice Manual for Dutal Blood Presste Modtor Miodel No WS 630 ...


Page 3: ...itorcd whcn thc unitis turned on and a warning 1l be displaycd ifit is too weak MEASURING SEQUENCE is displaycd to invite ncccssay Operation by ttlc uscr Thcy are Dcnation wait untilinflation or dump the cuff prcssurc Inflation Prcssurize thc cuff AUTOMATIC AIR INFLAT10N inflatcs the cuff prcssurc by an intcmal air pump AUTOMATIC AIR DUMP VALVE dumps thc prcssurc in thc cuff automatically vhen thc...

Page 4: ...Digits LCD SYSTOLIC DIASTOLIC PULSE RATE MEMORY NO 3 Statc lndicators INFLAT10N DEFLATION PALPATORY WAVE Oscillo Mct c Mctl od O 300 mmHg Cuff Pressure 50 250 1nmHg Cuff Pressurc 40 180 1nmHg Cuff Prcssurc SYS DIA 101 mHg 40 160 Pulsc Ratc Systolic and Diastolic 7 Timcs Mattmum Mcmory Data Averagc SYS DIA Prcssure lndication 3 11nmHg Pulse Rate 5 of Rcading Automatic lniation Systcm Air Pump 180 m...

Page 5: ...units opcratc as follo vsi Battery Wcak Detecto For othcr Circuits P F Convcrtcr C P U ECV Elcctromagnctic dcflation Control Valve FIG 3 l Block Diagralll Pressurc Frequcncy Convcrtcr Micro Computer lcmory ё ut S vitch START POWER SuritCh DC DC Rcgulatcd 3 Volt ...

Page 6: ...po vcr on and off to units other thal thc microcomputcr Display Unit Displays cuff prcssure mttmum blood prcssurc minimum blood prcssurc pulse ratc and inforlnation IIlcssagcs Elcctromagnetic dcflation control valvc ECWつ driVC Circuit ECヽア drivc circuit controls the air exhaust spced regularly during blood pressurc lncasuril g by the controning signal fl om thc lnicrocomputer It exhausts the air r...

Page 7: ...ic dcflation control valvc Cuff Uscd during an incrcase of prcssurc Uscd for constant air cxhaustion at the timc of mcasuremcnt Used aftcr thc IIneasurcmcnt To tightcn thc lcft vrist Pump Wrist Cuff ECV Elcctromagncdc dcflation con廿 ol valvc FIG 3 2 Air Circuit Pressurc Convcrtor 6 ...

Page 8: ...n is cxtcnded naturally on thc tablc and does notlnove 2 Push thC START slvitch to automaucally inflatc cuff to thc Optimum prcssurc 3 Innation indication will disappcar whcn prcssurc sttrt to dcsccnd Please do not llllove your body as possiblc as you can later 4 Furmer desccnding cuff pressure indication lnark for Hcart rnttk nashing tO nodcc pulsc vavc hcn the pulsc vavc bcgln to gcncratc 5 Furd...

Page 9: ...utton in succcssion by thc numbcr of tilrncs of lncmory and prcss it again aftcr all thc mcmory data arc rccalled you call sce in the LCD display the average valuc of all stored data of Systolic blood pressure and the avcragc value of all storcd data of diastolic blood prcssurc At thc saFnC tilnc in thc arca ofIIncmory NO a lcttcr Al as a making is indicatcd 5 ERROR DISPLAY This blood pressure mon...

Page 10: ...tch of thc unit till a11 indication disappc額 Both uppcr and undcr 3 columns show 0 indication Now thc unitis in pressurc test rnodc 3 Closc thc inflation cylindcr thcn turn thc cylindcr handle to inflatc alr until a rcading of 50 1 InHg on thc stal dard inanomctcr is obtaincd At that timc thc display of the unit should show 5050 instcad of thc 00 Incntioncd Stcp 2 abovc Both numbcrs 5050 should no...

Page 11: ...7 ILLLUSTRAT10N 7 1 ⅣIAIN UNIT ASSEMBLY 10 ...

Page 12: ...7 2 CUFF ASSEMBLY ミ 9 T L ル L l l i Name 1 CuII BIadder curr sp ng screw 11 ...

Page 13: ...7 3 GENERAL ASSEMBLY 12 ...

Page 14: ... PttNT Mcmo理r SWittth 10 ob A I 麟 C I D 層 雇 バ H A I A I A D A A A A A A A A ョ 仲 A 03481 01 102996 l 03478 01 03477 01 08050 1 50349 1 50350 l 736AM 02889 l 02888 1 02387 1 o2714 01 03741 1 00034 2008 03896 1 03489 01 00034 2006 03448 1 03725 l 03676 1 03479 01 102997 1 03480 01 8 2 CUFF ASSEMBLY No parts nime Pa武 No Ou曲 はヽ u尋 1 2 3 4 Cuff Bladdcr Cu spnng Screw A103691 1 A100008 1 B102331 1 A10003...
