Information about disinfection for Alltion LED Colposcope
The cleaning of the surface of Colposcope
You can wipe the colposcope with 75% medicinal alcohol on a clean cloth, and you can use
the disposable alcohol pads, usually used to clean skin. Care must be taken not to put the
alcohol on any lenses, whether that be the lenses the doctor looks through or the lenses towards
the patient. Should not use corrosive or scrub cleanser to clean the Colposcope
The cleaning of the surface of Optical Lens
The bloodstain or other dirt on the lens can be cleaned with lens paper or cotton wool that’s
with distilled water and a little of household detergent. The remaining trace can be cleaned with
lens paper or cotton wool that’s with 95% alcohol (wipe from centre to outside by spiral slightly).
The dust on the lens can be cleaned with blown ballon or whisk pen. Should not use corrosive or
scrub cleanser to clean the lens.
The sterilize for the Colposcope
All disinfectant cover can sterilize by pressure sterilizing cooker. Recommend temperature
and time as follow:
(1) Disinfect it for 10 min when the temperature is 120
(2) Disinfect it for 5 min when the temperature is 134
Attention: The dirt on the lens of Colposcope should be cleaned as soon as possible after
using the colposcope. Otherwise it will be more difficult to clean when the dirt become hard and
dry. You’d better clean and disinfect the colposcope frequently.
14 Dispose of Wastes
The wastes of the colposcope operation are bulb, lens paper and swab. Please do not arbitrarily
discard them. Try to use specialized facility for waste treatment if there are some nearby.
Scrapped apparatus should be disposed according local environment law. Please do not pollute
the environment.
15 Gima Warranty Terms
The Gima 12-month standard B2B warranty applies.