At first, refer to opener, control board or external receiver manual to locate the
respective programming button (Fig. 2).
Step1: To enter the universal remote controls programming mode: Push and hold left
and right button on the universal remote control simultaneously until its LED goes
constantly on for approx. 30 sec (= time frame for programming)
Step 2: Now push programming button on the opener, control board or external
receiver. The respective programming LED will go on constantly (also refer to opener,
control board or external receiver manual)
Step 3: Select a button on the universal remote control, push it repeatedly until the
programming LED responds (also refer to opener, control board or external receiver
manual to learn how the respective programming LEDs respond). Proceed with Step 4
Step 4: Push a different button on the universal remote control to exit (LED goes off) its
programming mode
Delete a remote control (also refer to opener, control board or external receiver
manual): Push the programming button on the opener, control board or external receiver
until its programming LED goes off
Delete a remote control:
Push the programming button on the opener, control board or external receiver until its
programming LED goes off