11N A
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s Poin
nt & Cl
lient B
Page 1: ...Wire eless A 11N A Use ALL0 Access er s M 0358N s Poin Manua N nt Cl al lient B Bridge ...
Page 3: ... SETUP 50 8 1 IP SETTINGS 50 8 2 SPANNING TREE SETTINGS 51 9 ROUTER SETTINGS 52 9 1 WAN SETTINGS 52 9 1 1 Static IP 52 9 1 2 DHCP Dynamic IP 54 9 1 3 PPPoE Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet 56 9 1 4 PPTP Point to Point Tunneling Protocol 58 9 2 LAN SETTINGS ROUTER MODE 60 9 3 VPN PASS THROUGH 61 9 4 PORT FORWARDING 62 9 5 DMZ 63 10 MANAGEMENT SETTINGS 64 10 1 ADMINISTRATION 64 10 2 MANAGEMENT ...
Page 5: ...e AL ent carefull te use will symbols to mbol repre ol represen ol represe ___________ uired to se d Internet isted abov connect to Please refe mbH ALLN ts are rese LLNET ALL0 ly before s not be cov indicate a esents a vit nts an impo nts an alt ____________ etup the AL access e is only fo the Intern er to Chapt ET GmbH erved This 0358N Wir etting up t vered unde and highlig tal messag ortant mes ...
Page 6: ...ign and s LANs onments ations whe as well as either impo s n parks a nd constru oved at a fu tion al time in point of s on while on powerful a dge WDS ss standard at advantag ates at 2 4G ywhere wit n addition h selection wireless en WEP Encryp oice to pair ge topology proprietar nother PoE d scope of ere wires ca open area ossible or v thletic are uction site uture date formation sale emplo deali...
Page 7: ...ayloads such as HD video streaming High Output Power Extended range and excellent coverage IEEE 802 11b g n Compliant Fully interoperable with IEEE 802 11 b g n compliant devices Multi Function Users can use different modes in various environments Support RSSI Indicator CB mode Users can select the best signal to connect with AP efficiently Power over Ethernet Flexible Access Point locations and c...
Page 8: ... Internet Multiple SSIDs ALL0358N supports up to 4 SSIDs on your access point The following options can be set to each SSID Public or private SSID Authentication VLAN identifier RADIUS accounting identifier Profile isolation for infrastructure network VLAN Specify a VLAN number for each SSID to separate the services among clients QoS Use this feature to limit the incoming or outgoing throughput Wi...
Page 9: ...ent ions are th with an Eth owser that erview a rate nd make su terials in c t Client B Adapter R ast Mount adapter ot vice e minimum hernet inte t supports 1 x 10 100 L 1 x 10 100 L 1 x Reset bu 300 Mbps Power Status LAN 10 100 WLAN Wire 3 x Link Qua ure that no ase of retu Bridge ALL t Strap Spe ther than t m system r rface and HTTP and LAN Port with LAN port utton s 0Mbps eless is enabl ality C...
Page 10: ...he network ON ALL0358N is connected to the network but not sending or receiving data Blink ALL0358N is sending or receiving data WLAN Green Access Point or Client Bridge Mode OFF ALL0358N radio is off and the device is not sending or receiving data over the wireless LAN ON ALL0358N radio is on and the device is not sending or receiving data over the wireless LAN Blink ALL0358N radio is on and the ...
Page 11: ...f the anten alled to pro na should b 8N e following LL0358N is it backwar ernet cable to seal the ord and Po he PoE inje adapter s e the ALL0 f the Ether nish Step 5 ALL0358N ofessionals e licensed b pment using n a 1 4 p for installat nna the be ovide a dir be aligned g procedur s a remova rd to remo e into the R e bottom o oE injector ector upplied w 0358N rnet cable 5 the insta who are fa by th...
Page 12: ...pletes the i the ALL035 Use a scre 58N ALL0358N installatio 58N Then ewdriver to N securely t on procedu insert the o unlock th to the pole ure mast strap he pole mo e by lockin through t ounting rin g the strap the middle ng putting p tightly hole of th it through e ...
Page 13: ...nce thus mode es ALL0358N f 2 11b g n associate w 358N as an can be pla 8N to crea nterferenc s providing functions li standards while withi AP and th ace within t te point to e on 5GHz g higher sta CB mod ike a centra Stations a n range he second o the directio o point wir z band Run ability to th de al connecti and clients The most s one as a Cl onal anten reless links nning the n he network ion...
Page 14: ... sociated M WDS func s mode is ra nts need to ange to sen ss Point su 8Ns if you ion Mode onality whi AC addres ctionality c arely used o be located nd signal b upports W u would lik e le in Acces sses in orde an suppor due to the d in the pa back to the WDS in Acc ke to utiliz ss Point Mo er to enlarg t up to 8 d e nature of th of the A ALL0358N cess Point ze this fun ode Simply ge the wire diffe...
Page 15: ...e the A ly and ena f the Acces e with it rnet Bridge ts ALL0358N bling Inter ss Points w With Clien e in order t functions rnet conne within rang nt Bridge M to provide like a wirel ctivity whe e and conf Mode the A a 2 4GHZ less client erever you figure the S ALL0358N link betwe connectin want Use SSID and S works as lo een the acc g to an Site Surve Security ong range cess point ey ...
Page 16: ...s etworks tog ch other sh MO antenna erformance based netw ode is unli can wireles s and secu gether as o haring files a technolo e assuming work that p ke Access ssly connec urity setting one logical s as if they ogy the con g the anten provides tr Point Mo ct different gs The W l network are in the nnection d nna are wit ransparent de APs lin t local area WDS Bridge Every com same loca distance ...
Page 17: ...share th an AP WIS P Router M nel and co hroughpu ng Tree Fu 0358N pro rom the ac he same wi SP and con ode It is n onnecting ut Please b unction vides two ccess point ireless netw nnect to LA not a comm g excessive be aware t functions t 2 acting work conne ANs via Eth mon applica e numbers to avoid lo 1 acting a as an activ ection Ide hernet Clie ation howe s of APs o oop conne as a wireles ve D...
Page 18: ... ssigned to to a client Microsof ocedure to u search b ork Connec puter for configure t cause the d the compu s Ethernet ft Windo configure ox type n ctions List a r TCP IP the TCP IP default ope uter noteb adapter ws 7 e a comput ncpa cpl appears ri settings on erating mo book There er running ght click t n a compu ode is Clien efore follo g Microsoft he Local A uter that wi nt Bridge a ow the st...
Page 19: ...lt gat st match th tton to save tton again k Internet ox click Use nter an IP a teway whic hat of the A e your cha to save yo Protocol e the follo address i ch is the A ALL0358N nges and c ur changes Version 4 owing IP a e 192 168 LL0358N s and the IP close the d s TCP IPv4 address to 1 10 the IP address address m dialog box 4 and the o configure subnet m s 192 168 must be on en click e your ask o...
Page 20: ...al A a Connectio ed Then se Protocol V ft Windo configure click Start s and task Connectio Area Conn on Propert elect Intern Version 4 Pr ws Vista e a comput click Cont ks and then on icon an ection Pro ties dialog net Protoc roperties d er running trol Panel n click Man d click Pro perties dia box verify col TCP IP dialog box g Microsoft and then s nage Netw operties alog box ap y that Inter Pv4 ...
Page 21: ...efault gat st match th tton to save tton again ox click Use nter an IP a teway whic hat of the A e your cha to save yo e the follo address i ch is the A ALL0358N nges and c ur changes owing IP a e 192 168 LL0358N s and the IP close the d s address to 1 10 the IP address address m dialog box o configure subnet m s 192 168 must be on e your ask of the 1 1 Note that e ...
Page 22: ...ton again ft Windo configure ick Start c tions icon on for the E us dialog b n Status di dialog box on Propert ct Internet Properties ox click Use nter an IP a teway whic hat of the A e your cha to save yo ws XP a compute click Contr Ethernet ad box appear ialog box x appears ties dialog t Protocol dialog box e the follo address i ch is the A ALL0358N nges and c ur changes er running ol Panel a da...
Page 23: ... s IP a and the IP to apply y ac OS X bes how to he menu ti click Syste ed to the A he TCP IP t your setting 2 168 1 10 address 19 address m your setting o configure tles and pl em Prefere ALL0358N i tab select gs and clos the subne 92 168 1 1 must be on gs and clos e TCP IP o lacement v ences and is selected Manually se the TCP et mask of Note th that subne se the TCP n an Apple vary in each sele...
Page 24: ...IP set guration m browser 8 1 1 into y have chan ess y connectin will appear rname and ave chang word 0358N ttings from menu your addre nged the A ng to the A Please ent Password ed the Use m the begin ss bar ALL0358N ALL0358N ter the cor are both a ername and nning of th N LAN IP a a browser rect Usern admin d Password e Chapter ddress m pop up w name and P d please e you can n ake sure y with a ...
Page 25: ...ecide to make note specific se e he Save Re vigation dr List and Sy e modified cancel Re e of the fo ettings You load page rop down ystem Log settings T evert all th llowing u can only to commit menu Sele Each optio The change he changes save all of t your conf ecting it yo on is descri es will show s or to Sav the setting figurations ou will the ibed in det w in the Un ve Apply gs or rever s by c...
Page 26: ...atus d t is display perating m plication v C address a nnel are dis s ESSID an drop down yed corresp mode syste ersion are are display splayed Si nd its secur AL menu or c ponds with em up time displayed yed in the L nce this de rity setting LL0358N ALLNE click Home the opera e firmware in the Syst LAN sectio evice suppo s are displa T e from the ating mode e version s tem section n In the W orts ...
Page 27: ...oc ent is displa Log link un internal me nts events retained st link unde iated to th ayed Click nder the St emory Wh are deleted er the Stat he ALL0358 k on the Re tatus drop hen there is d in desce tus drop d 8N The MA efresh butt p down me s not enou nding chro down menu AC address ton to refre enu The de gh interna onological u This pag ses and sig esh the clie evice auto al memory order so th...
Page 28: ...ient List l e associate ach client is s link unde rk includin el Security ink under t d to the AL s displayed ALLNET er the Stat ng Networ y Data Rate the Status LL0358N th d Click on us drop do k Type SSI e Current s drop dow hrough DH the Refres own menu ID BSSID C noise level wn menu T HCP The M sh button t u This page Connectio l and Sign This page d MAC addres to refresh t e displays n Status...
Page 29: ...s Ple would like nd then en is function ion Mod es Access operating ies under S ame for th ment e t an operat anges t apply the ease refer to use Acc nable WDS ality WDS e Point Clie modes pl System Sec he device I tion mode e changes to Chapte cess Point w S function i and AP is ent Bridge ease go to ction It is not the via a Radi s you mu er 4 1 for m with WDS n the Wire rare WDS Bridg o System ...
Page 30: ...ns apter 10 fo cess Poin 1 2 3 4 guration e you thro te settings inuing ple ings the basic w or more de nt Mode ugh all of t s could low ease make wireless se etailed info the wireles wer the per sure you h ettings Ple ormation ss settings rformance have chose ase read th Please rea or affect th n the corre he descript ad the inst he stability ect operati tion carefu ructions y of your ng mode lly...
Page 31: ...smit q per channe Auto chann vailability is The device mark to en can help to o four diffe parate grou profile and communica o confirm t gs e changes to Chapte orts 802 11 t common dwidth is 4 quality and el or lower nel function s determin operates i nable Auto select a b erent SSID ups to acce place a ch ations with the change s you mu er 4 1 for m 1b g n mixe wireless b 0 MHz A l speed channel ...
Page 32: ...cify the VLA e a check t dcast SSID ct the Radi one anoth se refer to s Save to s ngs ID for curre AN tag for to hide the D in Site Su io button t her the Wirele save the ch ent profile current pr e SSID Clie rvey to allow d ess Security hanges or C rofile nts will no deny client y section Cancel to r ot be able t s to comm return prev to see the municate vious ...
Page 33: ...gs t apply the ease refer ode suppo th the mos ID if known an AP in th y to scan n nnection AC address tically filled button to Chapter 6 o confirm t e changes to Chapte orts 802 11 t common n The SSID e Site Surv nearby APs if known d in when Enable D 2 for deta the change s you mu er 4 1 for m 1b g n mixe known wi D text box w vey is selec and then The Prefe an AP in th Disable WD ils es or Canc...
Page 34: ... Point d manually r Site Surve ess Points C se refer to s Refresh to t is suppres y ey the web Click the B the Wirele o scan aga ssing its ow bpage will BSSID if you ess Security ain wn SSID th display all u would lik y section he SSID sec of the nea ke to conne ction will be arby ect with it e blank the ...
Page 35: ...nnel av lations s Accept to ious settin t apply the ease refer ode suppo th the mos annel band transmit q per channe Auto chann vailability is o confirm t gs e changes to Chapte orts 802 11 t common dwidth is 4 quality and el or lower nel function s determin the change s you mu er 4 1 for m 1b g n mixe wireless b 0 MHz A l speed channel se n ed by the c es or Canc ust go to S more infor xed modes ...
Page 36: ...isable s Accept to ious settin e of the fo changes r to Chapte ddress of t Access Po ss Point s M eless cover or Enable o confirm t gs llowing you must er 4 1 for the Access oint suppo MAC addre rage of into from the d the change t go to Sta more info s Point wh rts this fe ess that you o the MAC drop down es or Canc atus Sa ormation hose wirele ature u would lik C address fi n list cel to retur a...
Page 37: ...s settin t apply the ease refer ode suppo th the mos D if known P in the Sit y to scan n nnection AC address filled in wh Chapter 6 o confirm t gs e changes to Chapte orts 802 11 t common n The SSID te Survey is nearby APs if known en an AP i 2 for deta the change s you mu er 4 1 for m 1b g n mixe wireless b D text box w s selected and then Prefer BSS n the Site S ils es or Canc ust go to S more i...
Page 38: ... Access Poin tered manu r Site Surve ts Click the se refer to s Refresh t nt is suppr ually ey the web e BSSID if the Wirele to scan ag ressing its o bpage will you would ess Security ain own SSID t display all d like to con y section the SSID se nearby Ac nnect with ection will ccess an AP be blank ...
Page 39: ...th Typ ct Input Ty ct Key Leng ct the defa cify passwo cify passwo cify passwo cify passwo n standard the standa p from 802 de you thr WPA WPA2 r security s om the dro pe in Open ype in Hex gth in 64 1 ault index k ord for secu ord for secu ord for secu ord for secu does not i ard when y 2 11n to 80 ough the S and WPA setting p down lis n System o or ASCII 128 152 b key for wire urity key in urity...
Page 40: ...elec Selec Spec Spec EE 802 11n mply with t de will dro ct WPA PS ct Both TK cify the sec cify Group n standard the standa p from 802 SK from th KIP or AES curity passw Key Updat does not i ard when y 2 11n to 80 e drop dow S for encryp word te Interval nclude WE you use the 02 11g wn list ption type time EP WPA PS e above en SK WPA PS ncryptions SK TKIP the ...
Page 41: ...lec Selec Spec Spec EE 802 11n mply with t de will dro ct WPA2 P ct Both TK cify the sec cify Group n standard the standa p from 802 PSK from t KIP or AES curity passw Key Updat does not i ard when y 2 11n to 80 the drop do S for encryp word te Interval nclude WE you use the 02 11g own list ption type time EP WPA PS e above en SK WPA PS ncryptions SK TKIP the ...
Page 42: ...EE 802 11n mply with t de will dro ct WPA PS ct Both TK cify the sec cify Group Mixed can n standard the standa p from 802 SK Mixed f KIP or AES curity passw Key Updat allow mul does not i ard when y 2 11n to 80 from the d S for encryp word te Interval tiple secur nclude WE you use the 02 11g drop down ption type time ity modes EP WPA PS e above en list at the sam SK WPA PS ncryptions me time SK T...
Page 43: ...y with t de will dro ct WPA fro ct Both TK cify Radius cify Radius cify Radius cify Group n standard the standa p from 802 om the dro KIP or AES Server IP a Port numb Secret tha Key Updat does not i ard when y 2 11n to 80 op down lis S for Encryp address ber the de at is given b te Interval nclude WE you use the 02 11g st ption type fault port i by the Rad time EP WPA PS e above en is 1812 dius Se...
Page 44: ...ly with t de will dro ct WPA2 fr ct Both TK cify Radius cify Radius cify Radius cify Group n standard the standa p from 802 rom the dr KIP or AES Server IP A Port numb Secret tha Key Updat does not i ard when y 2 11n to 80 rop down l S for encryp Address ber the de at is given b te Interval nclude WE you use the 02 11g ist ption type fault port i by the Rad time EP WPA PS e above en is 1812 dius S...
Page 45: ...ply with t de will dro ct WPA Mi ct Both TK cify Radius cify Radius cify Radius cify Group n standard the standa p from 802 ixed from KIP or AES Server IP A Port numb Secret tha Key Updat does not i ard when y 2 11n to 80 the drop d S for encryp Address ber the de at is given b te Interval nclude WE you use the 02 11g down list ption type fault port i by the Rad time EP WPA PS e above en is 1812 d...
Page 46: ... r collisions ce range be wer connect mproveme rmance by 802 11b g ard interva e drop dow put A lowe nger dista increase o wer will cha wever sett issues for ge size for ets to be se ndwidth In ork is more etween AP tion speed ent of 802 10 durin g s GI is 800 al results in wn list Dat er data rate nces r decrease ange the w ting the Tra wireless co RTC CTS S ent more of n addition e robust in and...
Page 47: ...o changes r to Chapte ed Setting fault unles y spread o nchronizati to merge ul for the sm to enable W reless trans reless trans o confirm t llowing you must er 4 1 for gs may low ss you und f the chann on betwee the typica mall size b Wireless Tr smission sp smission sp the change t go to Sta more info wer the wi derstand t nel exceed en the tran l size of da ut more pa affic Shapi peed for in pe...
Page 48: ...e n manually default sett Mode can work Select ist from th cify the MA s Add to a s Apply to eny wireles add a MA ting is Disa deny or a t Disable he drop dow AC address dd the MA o apply the ss clients b C address able Wirele llow specif Deny MAC wn list manually AC address changes by their MA to restrict ess MAC Fi fic clients to C in the list in the tab AC address the access lters o access th t...
Page 49: ...ct Disable s Accept to ngs t apply the ease refer of the AP ess Points connection functionali her ss Point s M eless cover or Enable o confirm t e changes to Chapte that you w supports t between A ity can exte MAC addre rage of into from the d the change s you mu er 4 1 for m would like t this feature Access Poin end the wi ess that you o the MAC drop down es or Cance ust go to S more infor to ext...
Page 50: ... Address w ect to the etup the Lo r Non Rou ct Radio bu cify an IP a cify LAN po cify Subnet cify Default cify Primary cify Second s Accept to ngs e of the fo matically is equest an will chang new IP ad ocal Area N uter Mode utton for O address ort IP addr t Mask t Gateway y DNS dary DNS o confirm t llowing s not a DH IP address ge LAN Int ddress afte Network L e IP Setting Obtain an I ess the cha...
Page 51: ... Ple gs ct the Radi tion cify Bridge cify Bridge cify Bridge cify the Prio rity s Accept to ngs t apply the ease refer io button t Hello Time Max Age i Forward D ority numb o confirm t e changes to Chapte to On or O e in second in seconds Delay in sec ber smalle the change s you mu er 4 1 for m ff to toggl ds conds r numbers es or Cance ust go to S more infor le the Span have grea el to return Sta...
Page 52: ... ur ISP to d tic IP tic IP in WA Subnet M s vailable for s ent types o etermine t AN connec Mask Defau r AP Route f WAN con the connec tion if you ult Gateway er Mode a nnections ction type r ISP gives y Primary and Client Static IP D all the of t DNS and S Router Mo HCP PPPo the necessa Secondary ode oE and PPT ary inform DNS TP Please ation abou ut ...
Page 53: ... cify Second e a check t s Accept to ngs t apply the ease refer TU is set to the router sh connect P to begin nt Name th n Name th aximum Tra in Auto port IP add P Subnet M Gateway IP y DNS IP dary DNS I to Enable o confirm t e changes to Chapte oo high do r will fragm tions In eit configurat hat is provi hat is provid ansmit Unit ress Mask address P or Disable the change s you mu er 4 1 for m own...
Page 54: ...pecify Acc Specify Dom Specify the hat it rema Select the R utomatica pe to obtai tname and CP to begin count Nam main Name Maximum ains in Auto Radio butto lly from th in the IP ad d DNS add n configura e which is e which is m Transmit U o on for the e DHCP se ddress auto resses Op ation of the provided b provided b Unit size A DNS serve erver omatically ptional e DHCP co by ISP by ISP ALLNET rec...
Page 55: ...ase refer TU is set to the router sh connect Radio butto y DNS serv eck to Enab pt to confi e changes to Chapte oo high do r will fragm tions In eit on to setup ers manua ble or Disa rm the cha s you mu er 4 1 for m ownstream ment packe ther case n p the Prim lly able ping f anges or Ca ust go to S more infor packets w ts unneces network pe mary DNS a from WAN ancel to re Status S rmation will be ...
Page 56: ...e remove the use of t ct PPPoE t cify the Ma it remains cify the Use cify the Pas cify the Ser ocol over ype if your e the PPPo the ALL035 to begin co aximum Tra in Auto ername th ssword tha rvice Nam r Etherne ISP provid E software 58N onfiguratio ansmit Unit hat is given at is given me that is g et es a Usern from your n of the PP t size ALLN by your IS by your IS iven by yo ame and P r computer...
Page 57: ...t sconnect w automatic io button t dial period io button f from the D io button f NS servers to Enable o confirm t e changes to Chapte oo high do r will fragm tions In eit to specify t when it rea cally conne to keep int for once th for the DNS HCP serve for setup th manually or Disable the change s you mu er 4 1 for m ownstream ment packe ther case n the maximu ches the m ect when a ernet conn he...
Page 58: ...dress Su Password TP Point P as your W ubnet Mas t to Poin WAN conn sk Default nt Tunne nection typ Gateway O ling Prot pe if your IS Optional tocol SP provide DNS Opti s informati onal Serv ion regard ver IP User ing IP rname and d ...
Page 59: ... connect o begin con aximum Tra in Auto port IP add P Subnet M Gateway IP erver IP ad ername th ssword tha io button t sconnect w automatic io button t dial period io button f from the D io button f NS servers to Enable o confirm t e changes to Chapte oo high do r will fragm tions In eit nfiguration ansmit Unit ress Mask address ddress hat is given at is given to specify t when it rea cally conne ...
Page 60: ...ress settin t does not ttings Ple Mode cify LAN po cify LAN IP cify WINS S e a check t cify DHCP s cify DHCP s cify the WIN s Accept to ngs t apply the ease refer ort IP addr Subnet M Server IP to enable t server star server end NS Server o confirm t e changes to Chapte ess ask the DHCP s ting IP add ing IP add IP address the change s you mu er 4 1 for m server dress ress es or Cance ust go to S m...
Page 61: ... a check t e a check t e a check t s Accept to ngs t apply the ease refer n protocols a secure ex to enable P to enable L to enable I o confirm t e changes to Chapte s to be tun xchange of PPTP proto L2TP proto IPSec proto the change s you mu er 4 1 for m neled thro packets at ocol passes ocol passes ocol passes es or Cance ust go to S more infor ough an IP t the IP Lay s through W s through W s t...
Page 62: ...t to t apply the ease refer cify a name ct a protoc cify Starting cify Ending cify IP addr s Save to c ngs ervices suc Server on y eb Server b s is 192 168 re about c ry to add a o confirm t e changes to Chapte e for curren col from dr g Port num Port num ress confirm the h as Web S your comp by entering 8 5 1 then ommon po a rule of Po the change s you mu er 4 1 for m nt Port For rop down l mber ...
Page 63: ...am y This PC w because D ct Enable o cify an IP ad s Accept to ngs t apply the ease refer which is in ming or Vid will be vuln DMZ opens or Disable ddress of D o confirm t e changes to Chapte the DMZ t deo Confer erable to a s all of the DMZ from DMZ the change s you mu er 4 1 for m to the Inter encing DM any incomi ports m drop dow es or Cance ust go to S more infor rnet This f MZ will forw ng tr...
Page 64: ...ig VLAN SNM og Each op nk under th ord for the min For se ssword cify Userna cify a Passw nter the Pa ct the Rad agement ct the Rad cify the Por gation drop MP Settings ption is des he Manage device By ecurity reas me for log word for lo assword fo io button t io button t rt number p down me s Backup scribed bel ement me default th sons it is hi gin gin or confirma to Enable to Enable for Remot en...
Page 65: ... e of the fo changes r to Chapte nagement server can ress he Port nu http IP ad pply to co gs l change t ged again der the Ma is a group y behave a o not have rk includes he Access No VLAN o confirm t llowing you must er 4 1 for VLAN ID support t mber is 80 ddress 808 onfirm the c the setting or the dev anagemen of compu as if they w to be phys s VLANs an Point spec tag radio the change t go to St...
Page 66: ...the pas access cify the pas write acces cify the IP a cify the pas s Save A ious settin t apply the ease refer he Manage etwork att various par led agents io button t ntact detai ation of th ssword for ssword for ss address tha ssword of t pply to co gs e changes to Chapte ement me ached dev rts of a net s return da to Enable ls of the de he device access the access the at will rece the SNMP onfir...
Page 67: ...device i This featu ured with t k on Backu 0358N can k on Browse k on Factor ory default e link unde evice Make ocess may device to c e upgrade k under the in a file on ure is very he same se up to save restore a p e to select ry Default values er the Man e sure that y take few crash or b e is comple e Manage a storage useful for a ettings current co previous se the file an t button to nagement to...
Page 68: ...e You ma ually setup cify the Tim ck to specif default NTP s Save A ious settin Apply wil are chang e Managem y do this m p the date me Zone fr fy the IP ad P Server pply to co gs l change t ged again ment men manually o and time rom the dr ddress of th onfirm the c the setting or the dev u This pag r by conne op down li he NTP Ser changes or gs immedi vice is rese ge allows y ecting to a ist and ...
Page 69: ...a report ne ct Enable o cify the Log ct Enable o s Save A ious settin Apply wil are chang ment menu ss interface eeds to be or Disable g Server IP or Disable pply to co gs l change t ged again u This pag e This log c sent to the Syslog fun address Local Log onfirm the c the setting or the dev e displays can be refe e technical nction from service changes or gs immedi vice is rese a list of ev erre...
Page 70: ...uality and t Spec Spec Spec Press Spec Press nder the M trace the ro cify the IP a cify the pac cify the num s Start Pin cify an IP ad s Start Tra Manageme outing tabl address yo cket size of mber of pi ng to begin ddress or D aceroute to ent menu le to the ta ou would lik f each ping ngs n Domain na o begin This functi arget ke to searc g ame that yo on allows y ch ou want to you to o trace ...
Page 71: ...92 ples 0358N wit he wireless Network M eb based c untry or re y to scan ch el with less ID for your tiple SSID a entifier in o hentication o process a s please re eless Mode y to scan fo ould like to N ID in you ect authen oint Mode figured m LL0358N 168 1 1 h 4 modes s network o ode need configurati gion s regu hannels of s interferen r broadcast at the same order to se settings all of the co ef...
Page 72: ...urvey ct the AP t p the auth ngs ct Apply to e s IP settin 58N 1 1 ess dongle tion to che eb based c untry or re on Mode y to scan ch hat you wo entication o process a ngs must m Ac Wi It must co ck the Acc configurati gion s regu to Client B hannels of ould like to settings th all of the co match the A ccess Point ireless Rout 192 168 1 onnect to a ess Point s ion interfac ulation Bridge from the...
Page 73: ...rations fy the devic w the WDS ge device m ty Setting A WDS WDS 19 ther in a ne r similar to ning on W et access a n the netw in the sam eb based c untry or re tion Mode s IP setting settings un S Link Sett AC address nder Save ce s setting link status must use t ALL0358N W S W 92 168 1 1 etwork All o an ad ho WDS Bridge also runnin work can be e location configurati gion s regu e to WDS B gs unde...
Page 74: ... has a DHC nect to an A ally opposi tion to che eb based c untry or re on Mode ocal Area matically y to scan ch hat you wo hentication r WAN con ce Provide o process a tings mus LL0358N 192 168 1 1 CP Server t AP WISP w te to the A ck Access configurati gion s regu to Client R Network hannels of ould like to settings th nnection ty er on the W ll of the co st match th that allows wirelessly a AP R...
Page 75: ...ely 10 seconds and then stop pressing To use the software method click Restore to Factory Default in the Management menu Why do I not see traffic pass after I connect the ALL0358N to a PoE switch The ALL0358N uses a proprietary PoE injector and will not work with standard 802 3af compliant PoE switches What is the default IP address of the ALL0358N The default IP address is 192 168 1 1 I plugged t...
Page 76: ...nterprise WPA EAP using TKIP 802 1x Authenticator Hide SSID in beacons MAC address filtering up to 50 field Wireless STA Client connected list Power Requirements Active Ethernet Power over Ethernet Proprietary PoE design Power Adapter 24VAC 1 0A Antenna Internal Directional 10dBi Package Contents Wireless Long Range 11N AP CB ALL0358N PoE Injector ALL 24R Power Adaptor CD with User s Manual QIG Mo...
Page 77: ...r pathway within a network Bandwidth The part of the frequency spectrum required to transmit desired information Each radio channel has a center frequency and additional frequencies above and below this carrier frequency that carry the transmitted information The range of frequencies from the lowest to the highest used is called the bandwidth Bridge A wireless device that connects multiple network...
Page 78: ...ch as hills tunnels and indoor parking garages are usually the cause of dead spots See also coverage area 802 11 A category of WLAN standards defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE 802 11a An IEEE standard for WLANs that operate at 5 GHz with data rates up to 54 Mbps 802 11n An IEEE standard for WLANs that operates at 2 4 GHz with data rate of 300 Mbps The new standa...
Page 79: ... uses a MAC table only the 802 11 radios that have their MAC addresses added to that network s MAC table can access the network Network Address Translation NAT An Internet standard that lets a LAN use one set of IP addresses for internal traffic and a second set of addresses for external traffic Network Time Protocol NTP A protocol that lets devices synchronize their time with a time server NTP us...
Page 80: ...llows communications over and between networks TCP IP is the basis for Internet communications Weighted Fair Queuing WFQ WFQ services queues are based on priority and queue weight Queues with larger weights get more service than queues with smaller weights This highly efficient queuing mechanism divides available bandwidth across different traffic queues Wired Equivalent Privacy WEP Security proto...
Page 81: ...A client is granted access to a WLAN if the passwords match WPA2 A wireless security standard that defines stronger encryption authentication and key management than WPA It includes two data encryption algorithms Temporal Key Integrity Protocol TKIP and Advanced Encryption Standard AES in the Counter mode with Cipher block chaining Message authentication Code Protocol CCMP Wireless Distribution Sy...
Page 82: ...receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help FCC Caution Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user s authority to operate this ...
Page 83: ...éjudiciable et 2 ce dispositif doit accepter tout brouillage reçu y compris un brouillage susceptible de provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable IMPORTANT NOTE Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator your body NOTE ...
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