Appendix A
Data Cabling Techniques
The following sections detail cabling techniques and port specifications for
IEEE 802.3 media. For comprehensive treatment of these topics, refer to the
original IEEE specification.
UTP (RJ45) links support transmissions up to 100 meters (328 ft.) at 10
Megabit data rates.
A serious problem exists concerning identification of modular cable. There
are various grades of voice-quality and data-quality cables available. These
can appear to be similar externally, although their high-speed data
transmission characteristics are radically different.
The identification problem is exaggerated by the fact that some suppliers
have sold purportedly data-quality cables manufactured with voice-quality
cabling. If any voice-quality cabling is used in a 10BASE-T network system,
data movement is slow, collision-prone or non-existent. To confuse the issue,
the Link indicator on the interface will usually indicate a valid link in such a
For the foregoing reasons, it is absolutely vital that you use only Level 3, 4 or
5 cabling with 10BASE-T connections. As a rule of thumb, if a cable type is
flat, it is usually untwisted, and will cause problems. If a cable is more or less
round in section, it will typically work.