Allflex ISO Compatible RF/ID Pocket Reader
Description of Use
READ Button
Turns Reader ON from OFF state
Activates transponder reading from ON state
Selects certain option alternatives in Options Menu
MENU Button
Activates Options Menu / Selects Options Menu Category
DOWN Buttons
Navigates Options Menu
(Press both buttons simultaneously to turn off unit)
2x8 Character LCD
Displays transponder ID Code information, Reader status, and Options
Menu selections
Red LED Indicator
Lights when valid transponder ID Codes are detected
(optionally lights with Options Menu selections)
Antenna Coil
Transponder coil axis should be coaxial or parallel to Reader antenna axis
for maximum reading distance (mounted inside enclosure – see Figure 3)
Battery Compartment
Accepts single 9 volt alkaline or nickel-cadmium battery (bottom)
Equipment Label
Provides model, serial number, and agency certification notices (bottom)
Compact ergonomic case
Quickstart Instructions
(Rev A1 01Jun99 / Software V1.00+)
These instructions guide the user through the basic setup, configuration, and operation
of the Allflex Pocket Reader, P/N 930009-001, an RF/ID scanner capable of reading
and displaying ISO HDX and FDX-B type transponder identification codes.
Preparing For Use
The Pocket Reader is shipped in a box with this instruction guide and one 9 volt
alkaline battery. Remove the reader and battery from the box, and follow the
directions contained in this guide for battery installation, setup, and operating
instructions. Transponders (not supplied with Reader) are helpful in verifying the
configuration and operation procedures described in this guide.
The Pocket Reader requires only installation of the 9 volt battery in order to begin
reading transponders. The Reader also permits the user to configure several options
that control its functions and ID code presentation format.
Pocket Reader User Interface
The figure below illustrates the Pocket Reader’s features that are instructive to its
operation and use. Each feature and its corresponding function are described in the
accompanying Table 1 on the following page.
Battery Installation Instructions
The Pocket Reader is supplied with one 9 volt alkaline type disposable battery. A
variety of battery technologies, both disposable and rechargeable types, can be used.
Table 2 lists one manufacturer’s compatible battery types, and the estimated service
life each type will provide in use with the Pocket Reader.
Figure 1 - Pocket Reader Features and User Interface
Table 1 - Pocket Reader Features and Descriptions of Use
2x8 LCD
To install or replace the battery (ensure Reader is turned off before proceeding):
Turn the Reader over so that the equipment label is visible. Push down gently on
the small ribbed spot just beneath the label and push laterally away from the label.
When the battery compartment cover has slid open approximately 10mm, it can be
removed from the channel in which it fits to expose the battery compartment.
Install the 9 volt battery observing the polarity orientation etching which appears
in the bottom of the enclosure.
Incorrect installation of the battery will not damage the reader. However, the Reader
will fail to operate unless the battery polarity is correctly oriented.
Reposition the battery compartment cover and snap it into the channel
approximately 10mm from the closed position. Once in the channel, press down
gently on the ribbed spot and slide the cover back into the fully closed position.
: FDX-B reading distance performance may be slightly less when a nickel cadmium type
battery is installed in the reader. Both HDX and FDX-B reading distance will gradually