ALLEN & HEATH XONE:V6 Service Information Download Page 1









Power Supply Unit (PSU) work should only 

be carried out by qualified personnel. 

We recommend that you use an approved Allen & Heath 

service centre for all power supply work. 

Please contact your local Allen & Heath distributor for more details.


Summary of Contents for XONE:V6

Page 1: ...Unit PSU work should only be carried out by qualified personnel We recommend that you use an approved Allen Heath service centre for all power supply work Please contact your local Allen Heath distrib...

Page 2: ...SERVICE INFORMATION Publication AP4976...

Page 3: ...Heath web site www allen heath com Product information Technical downloads Distribution contacts Company contacts Technical support support allen heath com See web for local contact Xone V6 user guid...

Page 4: ...e all power supply covers and safety shields are in place before applying power with the unit open for diagnostic fault finding Closing the unit Before finishing check the quality and accuracy of the...

Page 5: ...nev6_003 051_master_2 pdf Mic PCB xonev6_003 052_mic_1 1 pdf Booth PCB xonev6_003 053_booth_1 pdf Phones PCB xonev6_003 054_phones_1 pdf Meter PCB xonev6_003 055_meter_1 pdf Valve PCB xonev6_003 056_v...

Page 6: ...eserve the right to make changes in the interest of further product development Assembly Description From Serial Number Date Change Note Number 003 051 057 Master PCB Power PCB up issues 14 11 02 812...

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Page 8: ...e Switch Cable Assembly 003 089 Fader Assembly 003 109 VU Meter Assembly 003 110 Input 1 4 PCB 003 050 Input 5 6 PCB 003 090 Master PCB 003 051 Mic PCB 003 052 Booth PCB 003 053 Phones PCB 003 054 Met...

Page 9: ...t XONE V6 EQISO EQ Isolator Main Assembly 003 155 Pack Assembly 003 157 EQ Isolator PCB 003 156 AL2159 CROSSFADER Front 003 154 CROSSFADER CUE PCB FRONT PANEL AI4222 003 154 AL3822 AL3822 EQ ISOLATOR...

Page 10: ...NO PHONO LEVEL 30Hz 400 500 600Hz 40 60 200 400 600Hz 40 500 100 200 INPUT 4 LINE PHONO LINE HI PASS HI PASS 100Hz 80Hz 120Hz 9 8 10 1 9 9 0 10 CHANNEL 6 0 10 6 5 8 2 7 3 CUE 6 5 4 8 7 CUE ON OFF MAST...



Page 13: ...53W 1 3 5 6 RLY2A RLY SWBT53W 1 10 8 7 RLY2B RLY SWBT53W 1 1 12 RLY2C RLY SWBT53W 1 R100 100K 1 R99 100K 1 R7 47K 1 R6 47K 1 30V 6 3V CUE_DC 30V CUE_RD C23 47 25 C24 47 25 C22 100N C21 100N R2 33R R3...

Page 14: ...003 050_090 iss 1...

Page 15: ...820R 1 LD3 GRN 30VB 30VB C2 22P DISK R22 30K 2 Q5 MPSA42 R9 10K 1 LD4 GRN 30VB Q6 MPSA42 R30 120R R_MIX R36 NF R62 220K R68 330R R70 470R R60 620K 1 R66 100K R54 6K8 C19 100N Q10 2SC2240BL C30 22P 4 6...

Page 16: ...003 052 iss 2...

Page 17: ...2 3 2 1 U2A TL072 4 6 5 VR1B POT18 20KB X2 1 3 2 VR2A POT18 20KB X2 CD 4 6 5 VR2B POT18 20KB X2 1 3 2 VR1A POT18 20KB X2 CD C18 47N MYL R5 6K8 1 C13 22P DISK C15 47 25 C14 22P DISK R24 10K 1 R17 100K...

Page 18: ...003 052 iss 1...

Page 19: ...1 W R CN1 RCA PHONO H2H R55 820R 1 R57 820R 1 R58 820R 1 R56 820R 1 C26 100 25 C27 100 25 C14 100N C15 100N 5 6 7 U2B TL072 5 6 7 U1B TL072 R2 47K 1 C4 22P DISK BOOTH_R_MIX R36 10K 1 R41 47R R34 10K 1...

Page 20: ...003 053 iss 1...

Page 21: ...0K 1 30VH 30VH T R CN4 JACK H3 JALCO GOLD 1 3 2 VR3A POT18 10KA X2 R35 4R7 1W R36 4R7 1W R14 22K 1 R20 2K2 1 D3 1N4148 D4 1N4148 5 6 7 U5B TL072 C12 22P DISK R4 100K 1 30VH 30VH 4 6 5 VR3B POT18 10KA...

Page 22: ...003 054 iss 1...

Page 23: ...2 VIN 3 VIN 4 OUT 5 VREF2 16 VCC 1 D1 7 D2 8 D3 9 D4 10 D5 11 D6 12 D7 13 U1_2 LB1409 SMD R9_2 470R R10_2 470R R11_2 470R R12_2 470R R13_2 470R R4_3 470K R5_3 470K R1_3 47K 0805 R2_3 10K R3_3 10K R7_...

Page 24: ...003 055 iss 1...

Page 25: ...12 9 9 11 11 10 10 CN2 IDC 8X2 F STRT 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 16 16 5 5 15 15 6 6 14 14 7 7 13 13 8 8 12 12 9 9 11 11 10 10 CN3 IDC 8X2 F STRT 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 16 16 5 5 15 15 6 6 14 14 7 7 13 13 8 8 12 12 9...

Page 26: ...003 056 iss 1...

Page 27: ...B NE5532 Q8 MPSA92 D10 1N4148 C22 470 35 LESR R36 3K3 1 R43 22K 1 Q6 MPSA42 Q7 MPSA92 R29 10K 1 R30 10K 1 D13 1N4148 D12 1N4148 Q2 BC549 C18 33 16 V_UNREG V_UNREG 30V 30V Q5 MPSA42 LD1 LED T1 3MM RED...

Page 28: ...003 057 iss 2...

Page 29: ...GND 3 GND 4 GND 5 GND 6 7 8 6 9 4 5 V2B ECC82 R16 6K8 1 GND 6 GND 6 GND 6 GND 6 OUT_6_R 6 3V6 IN_6_R IN_6_L OUT_6_L 2 3 1 V1A ECC82 30V5 R13 6K8 1 C5 100 100 30V5 C6 100 100 GND 5 7 8 6 9 4 5 V1B ECC...

Page 30: ...003 130 iss 1...

Page 31: ...VA VA VA IN_2_L C22 100N 63V PE VA CNTRL_2 OUT_2_L R54 10K 1 R53 10K 1 R86 220R R98 120R R140 820R 1 LD7 GRN 30VR 30VR C44 22P DISK Q19 MPSA42 R55 10K 1 LD8 GRN 30VR Q20 MPSA42 Q4A 2SK389 Q4B 2SK389 1...

Page 32: ...5_L C34 100N 63V PE VB CNTRL_5 OUT_5_L R72 10K 1 R71 10K 1 R92 220R R104 120R R146 820R 1 LD19 GRN 30VR2 30VR2 C50 22P DISK Q31 MPSA42 R73 10K 1 LD20 GRN 30VR2 Q32 MPSA42 Q10A 2SK389 Q10B 2SK389 1 3 2...

Page 33: ...2 1 U4A TL072 5 6 7 U4B TL072 V 4 V 8 U5C TL072C R193 1K2 1 R194 22K 1 0 02mV 10 8 7 RLY1B 3 5 6 RLY1A 1 12 RLY1C RLY SWBT53W 1 3 2 1 U1A TL072 R149 820R 1 C53 100N C60 1N5 MYL R167 100R R25 20K 1 CRO...

Page 34: ...35 LESR 30VR2 30VL2 R187 33R R186 33R C77 470 35 LESR C78 470 35 LESR 30VR2 30VL2 GND 1 4 2 5 3 0 6 7 FEMALE CN2 DC PWR SKT FEMALE 7 PIN CHASSIS 1 4 2 5 3 0 6 7 MALE CN4 DC PWR SKT MALE 7 PIN CHASSIS...

Page 35: ...88 22N MYL R207 10K 1 Q66 BC556B Q75 BC556B R220 4K7 1 R214 10K 1 R260 1M0 C91 22N MYL R213 10K 1 Q69 BC556B CUE_LEFT CUE_RIGHT CUE_LEFT CUE_RIGHT CUE_DC_2 CUE_DC_1 CUE_LEFT CUE_RIGHT CUE_DC_3 CUE_DC_...

Page 36: ...003 154 iss 2...

Page 37: ...47 63 C6 100N 30VL 30VL 30VL R113 47K R114 47K IN1_L OUT1_L Q53 2SC2240BL Q14 2SK170BL Q15 2SK170BL R33 1K2 1 R39 1K2 1 R8 15K R2 39K R19 100K C30 330 25 C8 100N 30VR 30VR 4 6 5 VR1B 20KB Q58 2SC2240B...

Page 38: ...00N 30VL2 30VL2 30VL2 R117 47K R118 47K IN2_L OUT2_L Q65 2SC2240BL Q38 2SK170BL Q39 2SK170BL R57 1K2 1 R63 1K2 1 R14 15K R4 39K R23 100K C32 330 25 C22 100N 30VR2 30VR2 4 6 5 VR4B 20KB Q70 2SC2240BL Q...

Page 39: ...R A CN8A W R B CN8B IN1_L OUT1_L IN1_R OUT1_R 10 8 7 RLY11B 3 5 6 RLY11A 10 8 7 RLY12B 3 5 6 RLY12A W R A CN9A W R B CN9B IN2_L OUT2_L IN2_R OUT2_R 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 CN3 BOX 5X...

Page 40: ...003 156 iss 2...

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Page 42: ...h 2002 Reason To improve stability caused by EMC modification Details of change Assy 003 050 PCB AG4911 issue 1 Change L1 and L4 from 1 x AM5156 BEAD FERRITE RADIAL 3TURN SINGLE to 1 x AC0335 RES ZERO...

Page 43: ...nuary 6th 2003 Reason The previous 5532 op amp latches under some conditions Details of change Assy 003 052 AG4913 issue 1 Change component U1 from 1 x AE0221 IC NE5532N op amp to 1 x AE0046 IC TL072...

Page 44: ...e reliability when the all valve option is fitted to the V6 The uprated component is KBL405 AE5685 and replaces bridge BR2 AE3477 on PCB AG4918 issue 2 The new bridge is physically larger than the cur...

Page 45: ...Reason To improve assembly of IEC to Chassis Details of change The IEC Mains Filter AL3458 now has nutserts eliminating the need to fit two nyloc nuts AB0102 and two screws AB0078 The new screws requi...

Page 46: ...pecification of the device feel that it would be prudent to fit a heavier duty rectifier to any mixer that is fitted with an all valve option Detail The component that requires up rating is BR2 that r...

Page 47: ...e screws that hold the heatsinks to the chassis Carefully pull the heatsinks away from the chassis and unplug the wireforms from the small PCBs that carry the output regulators It is a good idea to ma...

Page 48: ...formed as illustrated And as the lead diameter is bigger the PCB mounting holes will require re drilling to 1 2mm Take care not to damage the copper tracks Note the orientation of the new rectifier R...

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