Package Contents
(A-F) Side Boards…14
(G-H) Back Boards…16
(I) Front Stiles…2
(J-J1) Door Boards…14
(K) Roof Boards…15
(L) Roof End Caps…2
(M) Floor Boards…14
(N) Floor Edge…2
(O) Side Cleat…6
(P) Door Cleat …4
(Q) Roof Cleat…2
(R) Back Bevel Cleat…1
(S) Back Straight Cleat…2
(T) Front Bevel Rail…1
(U) Front Straight Rail…1
(V) Cross Cleat…2
(W) Shelf Frames (side)…6
(X) Shelf Frames (front)…2
(Y) Shelf Lath…16
(Z) Shelf Strut…1
--Door Handles (2)…4pcs.
--Door Latch…2
--Spacer Block…1
--Corner Braces...6
1 1/4” Screw…318
1 3/4" Screw….67
Garden Hutch
(GH50 Unassembled Kit)
Tools Required:
You will need a #2 Philips or Robertson screwdriver, a straight edge, a measuring tape and a pencil.
(silicone caulking for roof is optional and not supplied) A helper is advised in the assembly of this product.
NOTE: Construction of this product uses "shiplap" joinery for its superior strength and moisture shedding
To properly use this type of joinery in the steps below it is important that the lip on one board overlaps the lip
on the next board and that all boards are fitted snuggly together. You will find some boards only have 1 lip -
these outer boards ensure a proper fit and finish along corners and edges.
Before proceeding lay out all parts as in diagram above