5.26.Ana SQ Level
Adjusts the squelch level to receive signal with different signal strength, and a total of 5 levels
offered. This function is only valid for analog channel.
5.27.TBST Sel
TBST frequency is used to activate some dormant repeaters, 1000Hz, 1450Hz,1750Hz, 2100Hz a
total of 4 options are offered.
Hold pressing PTT key, at the same time press UP or DOWN key on microphone to transmit the
TBST tone.
5.28.Scan Mode
SCM TO: When scanning and stopping for a signal, stays at the channel 5s before resuming the
SCM CO: When scanning and stopping for signal, stays at the channel until the signal disappears,
and resumes scan 2s later.
SCM SE: When scanning and stopping for a signal, will terminate the scan. This function is only
valid for a VFO scan.
5.29.Mic Level
Allows to adjust the Microphone gain, level 1 is the lowest, level and 5 is highest gain.
5.30.DTMF Speed
Offers DTMF encode speed which will help the receiver decode successfully, 50~500ms are the
5.31.FM Radio
Turn on or off the FM radio.
5.32.FM Radio Moni
Radio Mon On: When FM radio is used, you can still receive or transmit on the channel. Radio Mon
Off: When FM radio is used, the radio will not permit a transmission or reception.
5.33.Start Up Pwd
On: Set up the password for startup. You need to input the password to power on the radio.
Off: No password is required for the radio power on start up.
The password shall be set up in CPS-Optional Setting-Power on-Power-on Password Char.
5.34-35. AuRepeater A or B (For VFO A or B)
Turn on the Auto Repeater function, the TX frequency in VFO mode will auto increase or reduce
frequency base on the set up offset frequency in CPS.
Off: Turn off the function.
Positive: TX frequency= RX frequency + Offset frequency.
Negative: TX frequency=RX frequency - Offset frequency.
5.36-57.Key P1-P6, PA-PD
(P1-P6 on front panel, PA-PD on speaker microphone)
These keys are programmable keys. It allows user to can program for different functions.
5.58.Repeater (Cross-band)
Turning on the cross-band repeater function will allow the radio to work as a small local
repeater. The radio will TX on one channel, RX on the other channel.
Cross-band Analog-Analog: Must be UHF-VHF, or VHF-UHF cross bands.
Cross-band Analog- Digital: Must be UHF-VHF, or VHF-UHF cross bands.
Cross-band Digital- Digital: UHF-VHF, or VHF-UHF cross bands, different times lots.
Cross-band Digital- Digital: Same UHF or same VHF bands, different time lots.