background image

T h e  


  2 m

F M   D u a l   B a n d   M o b i l e   T r a n s -
c e i v e r s   h a v e   b e e n   s p e c i a l l y
designed to condense maximum
performance and operating. con-

venience into an ultra compact

package. An impressive array of

features give maximum flexibility

in mobile installations.

High Output Power

The DR- 

 provide a power-

ful 45Watts on 2m and 35Watts on
70cm. A HI/LO power switch 5 watt

 power selection on both bands

as well.

Compact Size and Lightweight.




Cross Band Full Duplex Operation.

14 Multi Function Memory Chan-


The unit contains 14 fully program-

m a b l e   M e m o r y   C h a n n e l s .   E a c h
channel stores operating frequency,
Standard offset and other 

Highly Visible LCD.

A new multi color LCD display f o r
improved visibility.

6 Channel Spacing steps.

for ease of operation 5, 10, 12.5, 15,
20 and 25 KHz.

4 Scanning Modes.

(a) VFO -Scanning of the entire band.
(b) Memory -Scanning of selected


(c) Programmed Band-Scanning of a

selected segment of the band.

(d) Priority Scanning-Allows selection

of a frequency, in VFO or Memory,
to serve as a priority frequency.

Restricted Access Operation.

allows for programmable encode/
decode sub-audible tones(DR-510T)
or a 

 tone burst 



The standard microphone offers:
(A) UP/DOWN buttons for ease of
frequency/Memory selection.
(B) An LED “ON AIR” indicator and
“LOCK” switch to enable/disable
(C) DTMF Encoder built-in.(DR-510T)

Duplexer Built-in

When antenna for both 
UHF) is in use only one cable for

transceiver is necessary.

Other Outstanding


 Lock Key

Reverse Key-Inverts TX-RX

Memory Skip

Odd Offset

Multiple Standard Offsets

0ther too numerous list.

Accessories supplied

as standard 

 Hand Microphone(Condencer type)

a. 16 button DTMF 

510T) b. Hand Microphone(DR-510


Mobile Mounting Bracket

Mounting Hardware

D.C. power Cable
