Alinco DJ-438 Service Manual Download Page 1


Service Manual



1)  G E N E R A L ........................................................................2

2)  T R A N S M IT T E R ...............................................................2

3)  R E C E IV E R .......................................................................2


1)  Receiver S y s te m ........................................................3,  4

2)  Transmitter S yste m .........................................................4

3)  PLL Synthesizer C irc u it............................................ 4,  5

4)  CPU  and  Peripheral  C irc u its .......................... ......... 5,  6

5)  M38267M8L252GP  (X A 0725)..................................   6 -8


1)  NMJ2070M T 1  (XA0210)  ...............................................9

2)  AT24C16N-10SI-2.7TER  (X A 0368)............................. 9

3)  M5222FP-600C  (XA0385)  ..........................................   10

4)  TK14521MTL (X A 0 5 1 5 )...............................................  11

5)  M64076AGP  (X A 0 3 5 2 )................................................  12

6)  NJM29Q4V-TE1  (XA0573)  ..........................................   12

7)  NJM2902V-TE1  (XA0596)  ..........................................   12

8)  S-81350HG-KD-T1  (XA0724)  ....................................   13

9)  S-80845ALMP-EA9-T2  (XA0620)  .............................   13

10)  2SK2975  (X E 0 0 3 8 )......................................................   13

11)  Transistor,  Diode,  and LED Ontline D raw ings.......... 14

12)  LCD  Connection  (E L 0 0 4 4 ).........................................  14


1)  Front V iew .......................................................................15

2)  Rear V ie w .......................................................................16


MAIN  U n it................................................................17-21

Mechanical  P a rts .......................................................... 22

Packing  Parts................................................................. 22


MAIN U n it................................................................ 2 3 -27

Mechanical  P a rts .......................................................... 28

Packing  Parts................................................................. 28


1)  Required Test  E quipm ent......................................29,  30

2)  Adjustment M o d e ................................................... 3 1 -3 4


MAIN U n it................................................................ 35,  36


.......................................... 37,  38


.....................................................39,  40





Summary of Contents for DJ-438

Page 1: ...M64076AGP XA0352 12 6 NJM29Q4V TE1 XA0573 12 7 NJM2902V TE1 XA0596 12 8 S 81350HG KD T1 XA0724 13 9 S 80845ALMP EA9 T2 XA0620 13 10 2SK2975 XE0038 13 11 Transistor Diode and LED Ontline Drawings 14 12 LCD Connection EL0044 14 EXPLODED VIEW 1 Front View 15 2 Rear V iew 16 PARTS LIST DJ 493 MAIN U nit 17 21 Mechanical P arts 22 Packing Parts 22 PARTS LiST DJ 496 MAIN U n it 23 27 Mechanical P arts 2...

Page 2: ... 995MHz RX 430 449 995MHz E TX 430 439 995MHz RX 430 439 995MHz DJ 438TA2 TX 450 469 995MHz RX 450 469 995MHz F3E FM 5 10 12 5 15 20 25 30kHz 40 channels 1 CALL channel BNC 50Q unbalanced 5 ppm 2kQ nominal 7 0 16 0V DC negative ground 1 4A typical Transmit high at 5W 200mA typical Receive at 280mW 50mA typical standby 20mA typical Battery save on 10 60 C 14 140 F 56 W x 124 H x 40 D mm with EBP 48...

Page 3: ...tes the signals of the unwanted frequen cies The first IF amplifier Q8 then amplifies the signal of the selected fre quency 3 Demodulator Circuit After the signal is amplified by the first IF amplifier Q8 it is input to pin 16 of the demodulator IC IC4 The second local signal of 45 555M Hz which is oscillated by the internal oscillation circuit in IC4 and crystal X2 Then these two signals are mixe...

Page 4: ...amplifier Q2 The signal is then amplified by the final amplifier Q2 and led to the antenna switch D2 and low pass filter L5 L3 12 C24 C11 C10 and C9 where unwanted high harmonic waves are reduced as needed and the resulting signal is supplied to the antenna 3 APC Circuit Part of the transmission power from the low pass filter is detected by D7 con verted to DC and then amplified by a differential ...

Page 5: ...s 1 LCD Display Circuit The CPU turns ON the LCD via segment and common terminals with 1 4 the duty and 1 4 the bias at the frame frequency is 112 5Hz 2 Display Lamp Circuit When the LAMP key is pressed H is output form pin 42 of CPU IC9 to the bases of Q19 Q24 and Q25 3 Reset and Backup When the power form the DC jack or external battery increases from Circuits 0 V to 2 5V or more H level reset s...

Page 6: ...ency code in the CPU The squelch will open when they match In the unlikely event that CPU clock noise is present on a particular operating frequency programmed into the radio you can shift the CPU clock frequency to avoid the CPU clock noise The output signal from pin 31 of the CPU turns on Q35 Then the oscillation frequency of X3 will be shifted about 300 ppm 7 DCS Encoder 8 CTCSS DCS Decoder 5 M...

Page 7: ...ut 21 P43 0 T0UT BEEP I O Pulse Activ low Beep tone Band plan 3 when PSW is on 22 P42I NT2 RE2 1 Avtiv low Rotary encoder input 23 P41 INT1 RE1 1 Avtiv low 24 P40 SD 0 Avtiv low Signal detection output 25 P77 PTT 1 Activ high PTT input 26 P76 BP6 1 Activ high Band plan 6 27 P75 P5C 0 Activ low PLL power ON OFF output 28 P 7 A i r TSC r Acii v iow TX power ON OFF output 29 P73 R5C 0 Activ low RX po...

Page 8: ... SEG17 SEG16 SEG15 SEG14 SEG13 SEG12 SEG11 SEG10 SEG9 SEG8 SEG7 SEG6 SEG5 SEG4 SEG3 SEG2 SEG1 SEGO S31 O S30 O S29 O S28 O S27 O S26 O S25 O S24 O S23 O S21 O S20 O S19 O S18 O S17 O S16 O S15 O S14 O S13 O S12 O S11 o S10 o S9 O S8 O S7 O S6 O S5 O S4 O S3 O S2 O S1 O SO o LCD segment signal Vcc VDD CPU power terminal Vref Vref AD converter power supply Avss Avss AD converter GND COM3 COM3 O LCD ...

Page 9: ... iO f i kHz v 6 v R L 4 500 mW V 4 5 V RL 4 250 mW Distortion Po 0 4 V RL 4 THD 0 25 Voltage gain f 1kHz Av 41 44 47 dB Input impedance f 1kHz Z lN 100 k Equivalent input noise voltage Rs 10k A curve Vn1 2 5 MV B 22Hz to 22kHz Vn2 3 MV Power supply voltage rejection ratio f 100Hz Cx 100pF SVR 24 30 dB Power gain band width 3dB RL 8 Po 250mW P B 200 kHz 2 AT24C16N 10SI 2 7TER XA0368 16K bits CMOS S...

Page 10: ...3 M5222FP 600C XA0385 Electronic Volume n ...

Page 11: ... 1 9 Kn DC Test Limiter Input Impedance R if in 1 2 1 5 1 9 Kn DC Test RSSI part RSSI Output Current 1 Ir s s i 1 41 60 38 ma 30dBm is input RSSI Output Current 2 Ir s s i 2 22 40 59 pA 60dBm is input RSSI Output Current 3 Ir s s i 3 10 17 25 pA 100dBm is input Squelch BPF part Center Frequency 1 fC T 1 10 5 15 0 21 0 kHz Center frequency setting R Center Frequency 2 fC T 2 21 0 30 0 39 0 kHz Cent...

Page 12: ...PD2 VT1 IT 12 VT2 VF 10 11 GND 6 NJM2904V TE1 XA0573 Dual Single Supply Operational Amplifier Top View A OUTPUT j T A IN P U T I T A INPUT I T GND I X U D v T B OUTPUT F B INPUT F I B IN P U T 7 NJM2902V TE1 XA0596 Quad Single Supply Operational Amplifier Top View 14 D O UTPUT 13 I D IN P U T 12 D INPUT 11 GND 10 C INPUT 9 C IN P U T 8 C O U TPU T ...

Page 13: ...V Total Device Dissipation Tc 20 C Pd 10 W Gate Source Voltage Vgss 20 V Storage Temperature Range Tstg 40 110 Operating Junction Temperature Ti 175 c Characteristic Ratings Symbol Min Max Unit Drain Source Breakdown Votage Vds 1 7 Vgs 0V Idss _ 10 uA Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Vgs 10 Vds 0V Igss _ 1 uA Gate Threshold Voltage Vds ö Ids 1 mA Vth 1 0 1 7 V Out Put Power f 450MHz Pin 1W Vds 9 6V...

Page 14: ...wings Top View 1 O i o n w î sn p i L WU UUI II ICUUUM LLUUHHj o co co t í in x r co a o co m co cd 02o o COco in co r cd cd i c 00cnjcnjc j 0000co co co C IC ICOCOCOCOCOCOCOC OC ICOCOCOCOCOCOC OCOCOCOCOCOCOCOC OCOC OCOC ICOCO SEGMENT COMMON ...

Page 15: ...EXPLODED VIEW 1 Front View KZ0108 DJ 493 KZ0098 DJ 496 DJ 493 only 15 ...

Page 16: ...2 R e r V i e w S t0063 ...

Page 17: ...H 150 J T A S C50 NC C51 NC C52 NC C53 CU3031 C l 608JB1H471 K T A S C54 CU3047 C 1608JB 1H 103K T N Ref No P arts No P arts Name Ver D J 4 9 3 Main Unit C55 CS0408 6MCM1 56MATER C56 CU3015 C 1608C H 1H 220JT AS C57 CU3004 C 1608C H 1H 030C T AS C58 CU3009 C 1608C H 1H 080C T A C59 CU3015 C 1608C H 1H 220JT A S C60 CU3012 C 1608C H 1H 120JT A S C61 CU3005 C 1608C H 1H 040C T AS C62 CU3006 C l 608C...

Page 18: ...5 CU3111 C 1608J B 1C 104K T N C132 CE0396 MVS6 3VC100M F46 C186 CU3003 C 1608C H 1H 020C T AS C133 CS0408 6MCM1 56MATER C 187 CU3111 C 1608J B 1C 104K T N C134 CU3111 C 1608JB 1C 104K T N CN1 NC C135 CU3035 C 1608JB 1H 102K T A S CN2 NC C136 CU3035 i n r r i n i i n a o i t ao u i buovJD i n i uzr i MC5 AM O h i I M U C137 CU3101 C 1608JB 1C 473K T N S D1 XD0323 M A 2S 111 TX C138 CU3111 C 1608JB...

Page 19: ...X Q7 XT0170 2S B 766A TX Q8 XT0172 2SC4618TLP Q9 XT0138 2S C 5066 0 TE 85L Q10 XT0171 2SC 4808 TX AR Q11 XT0171 2SC 4808 TX AR Q 12 XU0193 RN1107 TE85L Ref No Parts No Parts Name Ver U J 4 93 Main Unit Q13 X T 0170 2S B 766A TX Q14 XT0170 2S B 766A TX Q15 XU0193 RN1107 TE85L Q16 XU0172 X P 1501 TX Q17 XT0110 2SA1036K T146Q Q18 XU0193 RN1107 TE85L Q19 XU0197 RN1111 TE85L n o n V I I A 1 T O A U U I...

Page 20: ...EZHJ224 R113 RK3050 M CR03EZHJ103 R60 RK3064 M CR 03EZHJ154 R114 RK3038 M CR03EZHJ102 R61 RK3050 MCR03EZHJ103 R 115 RK3062 M CR 03EZH J104 R62 RK3058 MCR03EZHJ473 R 116 RK3066 M CR03EZHJ224 R63 RK3062 MCR03EZHJ104 R 117 RK3074 M CR03EZHJ105 R64 RK3050 MCR03EZHJ103 R 118 RK3014 M CR03EZHJ100 R65 RK3058 MCR03EZHJ473 R 119 RK3051 MCR03EZHJ1 23 R66 RK3054 MCR03EZHJ223 R120 RK3042 M CR03EZHJ222 R67 RK3...

Page 21: ...8 MCR03EZHJ102 R 189 RK3046 M CR03EZHJ472 R190 RK3050 M CR03EZHJ103 R191 RK3Q50 MCR03EZHJ103 R192 RK3066 M CR03EZHJ224 R193 RK3066 MCR03EZHJ224 R194 RK3074 MCR03EZHJ105 R1S5 RK3038 MCR03EZHJ102 Ref No Parts No Parts Name Ver 0 j a q3 Main Unit R196 RK3062 MCR03EZHJ1 04 R197 RK3062 M CR 03EZHJ104 R198 RK3001 MCR03EZHJ000 R199 RK3066 M CR03EZHJ224 R200 RK3066 M CR03EZHJ224 R201 RK3074 M CR 03EZHJ105...

Page 22: ...SS0092A CHASSIS DJ196 ST0063 LCD HOLDER DJ195 TL0022 REFLECTIVE SHEET 195 TS0142 VCO CASE XH655 TS0148 VCO SEALED DJP85 t i a i r r r r 1V V U U U vv PROOF A Xh 72u TZ0049 SILICON DUMPER UE0029A ANT CO NNEC T DJ460 RE1 UR0019 RH70N00E20 R Y 6320 YX0024 LCD TAPE DJ195 Ref No P arts No P arts Name Ver D J 493 Packing Parts EA87 Antenna PR0309 CE abel E B P 48N EBP 48N HK0498 Pacage HM0189 C arton HU...

Page 23: ...H 150JT AS C50 NC C51 NC C52 NC C53 CU3031 C1608JB1H471 K T A S C54 CU3047 C 1608JB1H 103KT N Ref No P arts No P arts Name Ver D J 4 9 6 Main Unit C55 CS0408 6MCM156MATER C56 CU3015 C 1608C H 1H 220JT AS C57 CU3004 C 1608C H 1H 030C T AS C58 CU3009 C 1608C H 1H 080C T A C59 CU3015 C 1608C H 1H 220JT A S C60 CU3012 C1608CH1 H 120JT A S C61 CU3005 C1608C H 1H 040C T AS C62 CU3006 C 1608C H 1H 050C T...

Page 24: ...N C132 CE0396 M VS6 3VC100MF46 C186 CU3003 C1608CH1 H 020C T A S C133 CS0408 6MCM1 56MATER C187 CU3111 C 1608JB 1C 104K T N C134 CU 3111 C 1608JB 1C 104K T N CN1 NC C135 CU3035 C 1608JB 1H 102K T A S CN2 UE0369 AXN 4930161 6 C136 CU3035 C 1608JB 1H 102K T A S CN3 NC C137 CU3101 C1 608JB 1C 473K T N S D1 XD0323 M A 2S 111 TX C138 CU3111 C 1608JB 1C 104K T N D2 XD0326 1SV307 TPH3 r i to u r o j p i ...

Page 25: ...B 766A TX no VjfU v rni n o A 1U I L OCP CI OTI D c o w tu i u i i _ r Q9 XT0138 2S C 50 66 0 T E 85L Q10 XT0171 2S C 4808 TX AR Q11 XT0171 2SC 4808 TX AR Q12 XU0193 RN1107 TE85L Ref No Parts No Parts Name Ver DJ 49 6 M3 n Un t Q13 XT0170 2S B 766A TX Q14 XT0170 2S B 766A TX Q15 XU0193 RN1107 TE85L Q16 XU0172 X P 1501 TX Q17 XT0110 2SA1036K T146Q Q18 XU0193 RN1107 TE85L Q19 XU0197 RN1111 TE85L Q20...

Page 26: ...CR03EZHJ681 R85 RK3050 MCR03EZHJ103 R86 RK3038 MCR03EZHJ102 R87 RK3050 M CR 03EZHJ103 R ef No P arts No Parts Name Ver D J 496 Main Unit R88 NC R89 RK3001 M CR03EZHJ000 R90 RK3032 MCR03EZHJ331 R91 RK3062 MCR03EZHJ104 R92 RK3058 MCR03EZHJ473 R93 RK3050 MCR03EZHJ103 R94 RK3050 M CR03EZHJ103 R95 RK3036 MCR03EZHJ681 R96 RK3032 MCR03EZHJ331 R97 RK3058 M CR03EZHJ473 R98 RK3044 M CR03EZHJ332 R99 RK3050 M...

Page 27: ...K3046 MCR03EZHJ472 R188 RK3038 M CR03EZHJ102 R189 RK3046 MCR03EZHJ472 R190 RK3050 M CR03EZHJ103 R191 RK3050 M PD m CTU 11 n 3 IV IW I V U L i I IVJ u O R192 RK3066 MCR03EZHJ224 R193 RK3066 MCR03EZHJ224 R194 RK3074 M CR03EZHJ105 R195 NC Ref No Parts No P arts Name Ver n i _ v i n c i i L J K J H C 7 U IVI d 1r 1 W I I I L R196 RK3062 MCR03EZHJ104 R197 RK3062 MCR03EZHJ104 R198 RK3001 MCR03EZHJ000 R1...

Page 28: ...0 0 2 W2 M PCL07AA 30P 02 070 0 2 NK0068 DIAL KNOB DJ195 RD0108 J 1 6 Z SS0092A CHASSIS DJ196 ST0063 LCD HOLDER DJ195 TL0022 REFLECTIVE SHEET 195 TS0142 VCO CASE XH655 TS0148 VCO SEALED DJP85 TW0020 W PROOF A XH720 TZ0049 SILICON DUMPER UE0029A ANT CO NNECT DJ460 RE1 UR0019 R H 70N 00E 20 R Y 6320 YX0024 LCD TAPE DJ195 R ef No Parts No Parts Name Ver D J 4 9 6 Packing Parts EA87 Antenna T E PR0309...

Page 29: ...y 6 Spectrum Analyzer 7 Power meter Impedance Dissipation Jack Output frequency Output level Modulation Measuring range 1W or more 3 5mm 500MHz or more 20dBu 0 1uV 120dBu 1 V AM FM Up to 2GHz or more Measurable frequency Up to 500MHz Impedance Measuring range 50ÍÍ unbalanced 0 1W 10W Measurable frequency Up to 100kHz Sensitivity Output frequency Output impedance 1mV to 10V 67Hz to 10kHz 600ÍÍ unba...

Page 30: ... modulation Reference sensitivity 1kHz 3 5kHz DEV 12aB SiNAD Specified audio output leve 200mW at 8Q Standard audio output level 50mW at 8D Use an RF cable 3D2W 1 m for test equipment Attach a fuse to the RF test equipment All SSG outputs are indicated by EMF Supply voltage for the transceiver 13 8VDC 30 ...

Page 31: ... key one time SQL key two times KL key one time VM key two times Decimal point at 100MHz and 10MHz appears in LCD To release the mode same manner to enter the adjustment mode Channel frequencies used in the adjustment mode Memory Channel Channel function Frequency C i_ T 1 Reference frequency adjustment 435 MHz 445 MHz 2 High power adjustment 435 MHz 445 MHz 3 Low power adjustment 435 MHz 445 MHz ...

Page 32: ... to enter the high power mode L appears at the upper left of the display 3 Hold down the PTD key to start transmission 4 While watching the reading of the TX power meter set the output power to the value closest to 0 8 W by rotating the main tuning dial 5 When the P fT key is released the output power at that time will be stored as the low power setting Minimum Frequency Sensitivity Adjustment See...

Page 33: ...e 4 Rotate the VR1 on the printed curcuit board of the transceiver until the deviation is set to 4 5KHz This function is only for checking the DTMF code not adjusting it 1 In the adjustment mode select channel 10 by rotating the main tuning dial 2 Press the PTT key DTMF code 1 is automatically sent and you will hear the monitoring tone from the speaker 3 Check the deviation with the transceiver te...

Page 34: ...ning dial 2 Press the PTT key An 1750Hz tone burst is automatically sent 3 Check the deviation with the transceiver tester Aging Perform this aging test only when necessary 1 In the adjustment mode select channel 17 by rotating the main tuning dial The transceiver automatically repeaters transmission for a minute and re ception for another minute 34 ...

Page 35: ...PC BOARD VIEW DJ 493 DJ 496 MAIN SIDE A D2 1 iO O 0 0 nm to L_ ...

Page 36: ... 3 A 1 0 3 4 0 0 0 o y 026 rC O o 2 o er 169 Js E l C I4 8 H IS Si O c 7 r f t 053 i u _ u r i i o ___ n p n 8 C D c q C T QII Hr IBB n u a S b E D 1 0 Mjsa E a R B B 3 a R 3 v 30 Qs R IB tO UIAAJ ry 1C6 f t O O R 3 5 O r 3 QR 9 O l l O O r fTVTI B l R19 5 i y U _U n n _ S U n D netb SSSe o 5R 0 5 z i O O Q R l r 155rrm OJRH2 u R 05 r o t 0 S B 21SIO o n m R 06 U n hE v j Su _u R g 4 rm c i7 9 fF ...

Page 37: ...SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM DJ 493 ...

Page 38: ...SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM DJ 496 9 tr P 0 i i j 3 s cit j S K 0 1 L X ij o t L _ _ b c s p 1 C X 2 U 1 iA K N 4 9 a is is 2 H 38 ...

Page 39: ...BLOCK DIAGRAM DJ 493 39 LiVE 7RANSM T ...

Page 40: ...A N T r 029 j_BW107_ T J 010 1 0 4 2SC5966 SV311 L O O PF I L T E R R O T A Ä VC N C O O E P r d l 2S B 7 1 0 19i T B R P C 12P 1 F x5v 1 sv DISPLAY o RECEIVE TRANSM IT 3 RECEIVE TRANSMIT I JE 0 0 ...

Page 41: ...i f PLL Y 012 10 R N l 07 MICRO C OM PUTER CD f o o 7 s g o j j 0 c_ 1 CD O ivR E G U L A tQ P M38267M8L 252GP C L O C K S m rt 1 B U hqJ 0 3 5 R N 1 1 1 1 ...
