UQ1136B Quick-start P139-P168 Radio.ppp v5 Page 1of 4 26/4/17
Quick-start guide for Guardian Radio linked Bedside Monitor to PlesioPagers (S1020, S1016)
The system components and connection details are shown
overleaf. The actual range of sensors provided will depend on
your order requirements
Turn on the P39 by pressing the MENU/Power key for 3
seconds. The screen will show the product information and
then the ACTIVE or SUSPENDED screen. The
P139 has a internal battery which will charge
whenever the power supply is plugged in. If the
battery becomes discharged then a fault message
will be transmitted to the pager.
Turn on the
by pressing the ON/OFF button for 3
seconds (in the event of no response then charge the battery
for at least 5 minutes)
Follow the test sequence as appropriate: for sensor provided
Shallow Movement
Lie on the bed and note that the breathing
symbol (
) appears on the display as you exhale (the tick can
also be heard if enabled). The sensitivity (Shallow Magnify) can
be adjusted if needed
Bed Movement
.: Tap the mattress and note at each tap that the
symbol appears. The force needed for this can be adjusted
(Spasm Magnify) to reflect the user’s spasms
Make a sharp click near the sensor and note that an “
symbol appears on the display. The sensitivity (Sound Magnify)
can be adjusted
Bed Occupancy
: With the mat plugged in and no-one in the bed
the word VACANT should appear. Lie on the bed and In-Bed
should appear. The use & delay is adjusted in the menu.
.: To manually test, join the two spare sheet connections
with a metal object to give an alarm. Fault if the wires are broken.
The PlesioPager power light (green) should flash once every 4
seconds and the red monitor light every 8 seconds. Remember that
most sensors operate with a time delay to reduce false alarms. When
a sensor is stimulated the corresponding time delay starts. If the
sensor activity stops then the time delay is reset without sending an
alarm. If the sensor remains activated the alarm will be transmitted
after the delay.
The pager will now show the alarm light and will also sound an
appropriate audible alarm and vibrate (which can be silenced for 5
minutes while attending the client by pressing MUTE). The red
monitor light will also flash.
Any alarm that is latched can only be cleared at the monitor by
pressing the button marked
on the front panel
followed by pressing the MUTE button on the pager if required. If
this action is taken while the sensor is still detecting an alarm
condition (eg while the occupant is out of bed), then the alarm will
show “
” and will no longer send alarms until the safe
condition is restored (eg occupant back in bed).
It is important to note that the unit returns to ACTIVE mode once
the occupant is settled in bed and in need to protection .
A constant red light on the pager indicates the radio connection has
been lost and it must be rectified
A flashing red light without the Alarm light indicates a monitor fault
(eg battery low)
Connect to P139 and test
Normal Operation
These tests must be repeated regularly to check the sensors
For S1016 install the
Bed Occupancy
Mat (C) on top of the
mattress under a suitable cover sheet, in a position that
ensures the maximum body weight is lying on the mat,
typically below the upper torso. Under the shoulder area is a
good place if an alarm is required before the users feet
touch the floor.
Install the sensing components
The optional
Moisture Sensing
mat is
connected to it’s connecting lead using
press-studs and then placed either over the
pillow for vomit detection (Ha) or on top
of the mattress (over the Bed Occupancy
mat if fitted) in the region of the groin for
urination monitoring (Hb).
Install the
(B) underneath the
mattress on a firm
bed base, in a
position below the
rib cage. Its task is
to monitor the
smallest bed movements transmitted through the mattress.
Please refer to the Handbook for details on how to tune
each sensor for a specific client
The sound sensor is built into the
case, which should therefore be as
close as possible to the client if
sound sensing is required. An exter-
nal microphone (P158) can be used
to improve focus. Refer to Alert-iT
for details
In order to reset a
moisture alarm
, then the cotton sheet
must be removed and replaced. The cotton sheet can then be
laundered. The monitoring will be suspended until a clean
sheet is fitted.
The P139B is a flexible monitor capable supporting the care of those with Epilepsy by using a range of sensing elements and passing an alarm to a portable PlesioPager. This leaflet is a quick-
start guide to installing, testing and using your pre-configured system and it assumes the reader has skills comparable to operating a mobile phone. In addition they need to have sufficient
knowledge of the client to make the necessary risk assessment as to the suitability of the equipment to provide a safe environment. We are pleased to offer assistance including a full system
check via our telephone helpline, and would urge you to use this service. Should you wish to change any of the operating parameters or modify your system in any way, then detailed
handbooks, videos and risk assessment forms are available on request or on-line at
Shallow Movement Alarm
will always occur when there
is no-one in bed. For this reason it is recommended to
disable these Alarms at first while experimenting with using
the Guardian. The Bed Vacation or Suspend can be used to
prevent this, but only after a full risk assessment of the