Touch a category on Google Play Store screen to browse its contents. You
can also select a subcategory if there is any. Within each category you can
select to view items sorted by Top free, Top new free, Trending, etc
Touch the Google Play Store icon
on the top left of the screen or
key to return to the previous screen.
Download and install
To download & install:
Navigate to the item you want to download, and enter the details screen
from which you can read its description, overall rating or comments, view
developer’s information, etc.
to preview the functions and data the application can
access on your phone if you install it.
Accept & download
The progress of the download will show on the details screen, touch
to stop downloading the item. You can also access this screen through
Notification panel.
After download and installation have finished, you will see a notification
icon on the status bar.
Be especially cautious with applications that have access to many
functions or to a significant amount of your data. Once you accept,
you are responsible for the results of using this item on your
Google Play Store
Google Play Store is an online application store, where you can download
and install applications and games to your Android powered phone.
To open Google Play Store:
Play Store
from extended screen.
For the first time you access Google Play Store, a screen with terms of
service pops up for your attention, touch
to continue.
Touch , then select
to enter the Google Play Store help page for
more information on this function.
To access this function, touch the Application tab from the Home screen
and then touch
Locate the item you want to download and
Google Play Store home page provides several ways to find applications. It
show applications and games in categorized listings.
Touch and select
My apps
to see all your downloads.
Touch to search in
Google Play Store
Slide up and down to see all categories.
Depending on your country and operator.