User Manual
71 /101
Auto update the desk phone via USB key
You can use an USB-C key. The key has to be formated in FAT32 mode.
Create an empty text file on the USB key:
Please check that the file does not have the.txt extension (especially when the file extension is
hidden in system preferences).
Create a directory on the USB key: upgrade
Copy binary files into the new directory (the file names are given as an indication):
Insert the USB key in the corresponding USB-C slot.
Reboot the phone (the led is blinking during upgrade).
Send your desk phone or your add-on module to support
Please remove customization kit before sending back your desk phone or your add-on module to
hardware support as hardware support will send back a generic phone. Please refer to the accessories
section to see how to remove the customization kit.
Copy logs on USB drive
You can use an USB-C key. The key has to be formated in FAT32 mode.
Insert the USB key in the corresponding USB-C slot.
Config.MMI Servicing
Copy logs on USB drive
Enter password.
Select the choice:
Copy logs now, Copy logs before reboot, Copy logs using Multikey