Slot Numbering
Managing OmniSwitch 6350 Stacks
page 7-22
OmniSwitch 6350 Hardware Users Guide
April 2017
Manual Slot Number Assignment
To manually assign slot numbers to one or more modules in a stack, use the
command. This
command writes slot information to the
file located in a switch’s /flash directory. It is this
saved slot
information that the switch will assume following a reboot.
Manually assigning slot numbers can be useful in reordering existing slot numbers in order to create a
sequential numbering scheme from the top of the stack to the bottom (or vice-versa). Refer to the
following example:
Stack Numbering Before Manual Assignment
This example, taken from
, shows a stack in which the primary and secondary switches are
physically positioned in the middle of the stack. Although the stack will operate normally with this
primary and secondary module positioning, it may be preferable for management purposes to have the
primary and secondary switches at either the top or the bottom of the stack. For this example, the primary
and secondary roles will be assigned to the top of the stack. This is accomplished by entering the following
-> stack set slot 3 saved-slot 1
-> stack set slot 4 saved-slot 2
-> stack set slot 2 saved-slot 3
-> stack set slot 1 saved-slot 4
-> reload all
Because slot 3 is the top-most switch in the stack, it is reassigned the slot 1 (i.e., primary) position;
because slot 4 is located immediately below slot 3, it is reassigned the slot 2 (i.e., secondary) position, etc.
Note that the modules were not reloaded one-by-one, even though the
stack set slot
command provides
optional syntax for doing so. Instead, new slot number information is first saved to each
across the stack. The reboot is saved for last in order to avoid duplicate slot numbers within the stack,
which would cause unwanted pass-though mode conditions (see
Slot 1 - Primary
Slot 2 - Secondary
Slot 3 - Idle
Slot 4 - Idle