Alcatel-Lucent 5070 SSG Specifications Download Page 1

The Alcatel-Lucent 5070 Signaling Server Global (SSG) is a powerful platform that combines traditional Signaling 
Transfer Point (STP) services with advanced Signaling Gateway (SG) functionality. It serves as a critical network 
element for wireless and wireline networks that are transitioning from TDM to IP/IP Multimedia Subsystem 
(IMS) architectures. This product provides advanced routing, signaling and call processing applications along 
with increased levels of connectivity, capacity, reliability and expandability, making it a true workhorse in 
evolving service-provider networks. 

Alcatel-Lucent 5070 SSG

S I G N A L I N G   S E R V E R   G L O B A L 

With the latest technology, proven re-
liability and a robust set of applications, 
the 5070 SSG allows service providers 
to expand their existing TDM signaling 
networks while taking advantage of 
next generation Voice over Internet 
Protocol (VoIP) features and capabilities. 
The 5070 SSG hosts advanced applica-
tions, via flexible routing, such as Local 
Number Portability (LNP), Mobile Number 
Portability (MNP), Application Location 
Register (ALR) routing, Transactions 
Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) 
Screening, Mobile Application Part 
(MAP) Screening, Equipment Identity 
Register, Massive Call Defense, Call 
Type Blocking and ANSI-ETSI/ITU 


•  Highly flexible, scalable architecture 

supporting hundreds of links and 
several applications in a single frame

•  Specialized signaling security applica


tions to protect the service provider’s 
network from the latest threats and 

•  Support for high-speed SS7/IP, ATM 

over T1/E1, and unchannelized E1 
links, and low-speed channelized 


T1/E1 and DS0-A links 

•  Duplex (active/ hot standby) link 

processor for channelized T1/E1

•  Signaling Transport (SIGTRAN) ad


aptation protocols (M2PA, M3UA) 
supporting SS7 over IP 

•  Integrated intelligent routing applica


tions such as LNP, MNP and ALR 


•  Support for TDM PSTN interfaces 

and bandwidth needs on a proven, 
highly reliable platform 

•  Support for next-generation signal


ing gateway functions for VoIP 
support and interworking into IMS 

•  Flexible and scalable integrated 

applications for optimizing network 


•  Proven field performance and 

99.9999 percent availability 
