The USB Telephonic keyboard has specific keys for call handling and other telephone
functions. With an IP or a mixed IP configuration, the loudspeaker is replaced by a cover as
the audio features are provided by the Alcatel-Lucent 8 series or Alcatel-Lucent 9 series set.
On this keyboard, all keys which are not identical to those on a standard PC keyboard are
used by the 4059 application. These keys are used for immediate call handling, even when
using another application or when the application and/or the PC are off.
A LED is associated with each keyboard key dedicated to call handling. A lit LED informs the
attendant that the corresponding key is available for any operation.
Certain standard PC keys can also be used for call handling.
Switchover Key
This key is also called the application switchover key. When the 4059 application
started on the PC, the key is used to switch from the 4059 window to another PC
application (and vice versa).
Ensure that in the display configuration, the 4059 activation option: By Application switch
key is selected (see Alcatel-Lucent 4059 Attendant Console - Management from the attend-
ant console - Window appearance and display)
Call Handling Keys
Opens the personal directory of the console (to configure it, see Alcatel-Lucent
4059 Attendant Console - Management from the attendant console - Programming
the individual directory)
Release: ends the attendant intervention on a call.
Answer an internal call.
Redial a number from the list of the last 10 outgoing calls.
Broker call.
Place on hold/transfer: places a call on hold (or transfers a call).
Cancel the consultation call: returns to the main call.
Call: calls the selected set.
Answer an external call: displays the list of incoming calls.
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